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Designed by PiggyPig
Appeared in 2023
Memory system variable
Dimensions One-dimensional languages
Computational class Unknown
Reference implementation [1]
File extension(s) .linecode

The LineCode is the project of programing language in one line

Code's specifity

This language don't have any space, line break, indent, any type of delimiters, brackets, quotes, any type of 'end command'...


  • w: write (output values)
  • r: read (input a value)
  • v: var (initialize variables)
  • s: set (set the value of a variable)
  • c: cond (equivalent of a "if")

+ g: debug command

The write function (w)

The write function can write several values to the user.

The fisrt argument of the write function is a raw number. This number indicate the number of values printed.

> Example: w3n12ssc! print "12 !" (who have three elements: the number 12 (n12), the special character space (ss) and the chararcter "!" (c!))

The values can be of any type

(the "Hello World !" code can be w14cHceclclcosscWcocrclcdssc!sl)


The read function can ask to the user a vlue and put it in a variable

The read function expects just one argument: the variable name

> Example: rk ask to the user a value with "k: " and put the result in the variable k


The var function can create an initialize variable. This function is required to use a variable.

The var function expects two arguments: the name of the new variable and its type.

> Example: vkn create a new variable named 'k' and its type is 'number' (n)

The types: - n - integer number - u - unsigned integer number - d - decimal number - c - character - t - type (yes, type is a type)

The variables names: - The variables names must just one character but any chararcter without space and linebreak - (can be a A 5 \ + . $ µ...)


The set function can set the value of a variable. The function must be initialized with the var function (v) before be set by the set function (s).

The set function expects two argument: the name of the variable, nad the new value > Example: skn12 set the variable 'k' at 12

The type of the value and the type of the variable must the sames.


The cond function is an equivalent of the "if" function. It run the next function only if the condition is true.

The cond function expected two arguments: the condition and the command. > Example: c=vkn12w3cscacy run the function 'w3cscacy' if the variable k is equal to 12

/!\ The function powered by a cond can't be an cond function ( c <condition1> c <condition2> <function> is impossible, you must write c <condition1> & <condition2> <function>)


When a function or an operation expects a "value", it expects a raw value (as a number, a character...) or an operation (an addition, a product...)

The raw values start with a prefix (n12 for 12) and the operation strat with the operation (+n12n12 for 12+12)

Raw values

n: natural number (type n) z: negative number (type n) u: unsigned number (type u) d: decimal number (type d) v: variable (type of the variable) c: character (type c) s: special char (type c)

Natural number (n)

The natural number prefix is juste used for the positive number > Example: n12 for the number 12

The type of "n12" is a signed integer number (n)

You can't right "n-12", for this use the prefix z

Negative number (z)

The negative number prefix introduce a negative number > Example: z12 for the number -12

The type of "z12" is a signed integer number (n)

Unsigned number (u)

The unsigned number prefix introduce a unsigned number > Example: u12 for the number 12

The type of "u12" is a unsigned integer number (u)

Decimal number (d)

The decimal number prefix is followed by the integer part, the lettre n or z to indicate the symbol of the number and the decimal part. > Examples: d12n7 for the number 12.7. And d12z7 for the number -12.7

The type of "d12n7" or "d12z7" is a signed decimal number (d)

Variable (v)

The variable prefix v is used to get the value of a variable in a function > Example: vk to get the value of the variable k

The type of "vk" depending on the type of the variable k

= Character (c)

The simple character prefix c is used to get all the character without space and linebreak > Example ce to get the character "e"

The type of "ce" is a chararcter (c)

Special characters (s)

The special character prefix s is used to get the characters space (with s) and linebreak (with l) > Examples: ss to get the character space

             sl to get the character linebreak

The type of "ss" or "sl" is a chararcter (c)


The operations expects one or two arguments placed AFTER the operation symbol > Example: +n12n13 for 12+13

List of the operations expecting two arguments:

  • + Addition
  • - Sustraction
  • * Product
  • / division
  • ^ power
  • % modulo
  • = equality
  • < smaller than
  • > bigger than
  • & boolean and
  • | boolean or

List of the operations expecting only one argument:

  • _ Opposite (same as *(-1) )
  • ~ Round
  • \ Square Root
  • ! Boolean not
  • t Type (return the type of the argument)


Hello World!
