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Lightlang is an esoteric programming language designed by User:Felixcesar15 that only uses 1 bit as memory.


Each character is an instruction (like brainfuck) (Note: any invalid instruction is ignored so you can comment your hardworked code).

  • ^ - Toggle the bit.
  • ! - Print the state of the bit (as 0 or 1).
  • ? - Ask for input, if it's nothing, turn the bit on, otherwise turn the bit off.
  • @ - Set the bit to random state.
  • & - If the bit is on, don't read the next instruction, otherwise do nothing.
  • # - Halt the program.
  • < - Jump to the start of the program
  • / - Reverse the direction of the instruction pointer.
  • _ - Sleep for 1 second.


Hello, world!

'Hello, world!' as the concatenation of 7 bit strings corresponding to each character's ASCII value:


With comments:

     code     | letter |  ASCII  
^!^!!^!^!!!   | H      | 100 1000
^!!^!!^!^!^!  | e      | 110 0101
!!^!^!!^!!    | l      | 110 1100
^!!^!^!!^!!   | l      | 110 1100
^!!^!^!!!!    | o      | 110 1111
^!^!^!^!!^!!  | ,      | 010 1100
!^!^!!!!!     |        | 010 0000
^!!!^!^!!!    | w      | 111 0111
!!^!^!!!!     | o      | 110 1111
!!!^!!^!^!    | r      | 111 0010
^!!^!^!!^!!   | l      | 110 1100
^!!^!!^!^!!   | d      | 110 0100
!^!^!!!!^!    # !      | 010 0001

This will print the bit, toggle it then repeat


Same as above but it has a delay


This will print 1 if the input is nothing (Non-terminating)


Same as above but terminating



Enter nothing for input 0.



A Python interpreter by User:Bangyen.