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lalala is a minimal esolang based created by User:Yayimhere. it has only 2 commands and a single special argument


memory is stored in a string. this string can only be anything derivable from this BNF:

<string>::= λ|P|(<string>)|<string><string>|i

the strings starts with a λi in it. also it starts indexing at 2 not 0


command description
[x][n][z] if the symbol following the symbol at index n is x, execute code z. x a empty string
[n:x] set symbol at index n to x. x can be a empty string

the special argument for n is ; which is the length of the string. the program loops until the string becomes empty

computational class

lalala is Turing-complete because it can simulate a Bitwise Cyclic Tag with a datastring of 1 (and any BCT program can be simplified to one with a datastring of only 1) like this:

1 is i
0 is P

the commands

BCT:   lalala:
  0 <-> [3:]
 10 <-> [2][i][[;:P]]
 11 <-> [2][i][[;:i]]