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Keta is what happens when you mix the words "Keyboard" and "Tacit" together. The language is partially inspired by the tacit execution of Jelly, after I decided that the tutorial for Jelly was just too complicated. As I sometimes say: if you don't understand it, make your own!

It's a big ol' work in progress thus far, so I'll place some examples here:

Operators shown here are purely for design experimentation and may not reflect the final system of operators


Nilad -> A function that doesn't take any inputs. Usually a constant
Single -> A function that only takes a single input
Infix -> A function that takes two arguments: left and right

Left argument -> the expression to the left of a function
Right argument -> the expression to the right of a function

Flow -> A complete line of blocks
Block -> A series of Nilads, Singles and Infixes


Make me a square!

Keg got 11 bytes on this challenge.


Expands to:

Shape(Palindromise(Add(Double(Double(input)), Space)), 3)

9 bytes (Keta) vs 11 bytes (Keg) .

Output Distinct Factor Cubiods

Keg didn't participate in this challenge



function f
    reduce the input via multiplication
    return that result equal to the input
function main
    generate factors of input
    filter list by above flow (f)

Swap good and bad

Keg got 7 bytes on this challenge (first place btw)


Note that this uses a reverse token flag. But that's what the keg answer does.

6 bytes (Keta) vs 7 bytes (Keg).

N(e(s(t))) a string

Keg got 12 bytes


Add(Map(input, "("), Times(")", length(input)))

`--mapoffbyone` 8 bytes (Keta) vs 12 bytes (Keg)

DDoouubbllee SSppeeaakk

Keg got 3 bytes


Expands to:

interleave(input, input)

1 byte (Keta) vs 3 bytes (Keg)

Chain Rules

This is a list of how patterns are evaluated within Keta (ekg)

Nilads: N n Ñ –> Nilads

Singles: S s Š –> Monads

Infixes: I i Ī –> Dyads

L L* L& –> Left argument – implicit/whatever is to the left

R R* R& –> Right argument – implicit/whatever is to the right

{...} means that the expressions are blocked together

  • ND -> N I R
  • SN -> S(N)
  • Ss -> S(s(R))
  • SI -> S(R) I R*
  • IN -> L I S
  • IS -> L I S(R*)
  • Ii -> {L I R} i R*
  • SNI -> S(N) I R
  • SsN -> S(s(N))
  • SsŠ -> S(s(Š(R)))
  • SsI -> S(s(R)) I R*
  • SIN -> S(R) I N
  • SIs -> S(R) I s(R*)
  • SIi -> S(R) I {L* i R*}
  • INi -> {L I N} i R*
  • ISN -> L I S(N)
  • ISs -> L I S(s(R*))
  • ISi -> {L D S(R*)} i R&
  • IiN -> {L I R} i N
  • IiS -> {L I R} i S(R*)
  • IiĪ -> {{L I R} i R*} Ī R&

Blocks are evaluated using the triplet rules if possible, otherwise the pair rules are used, otherwise things are evaluated as is

External References

Github Repo

Very WIP Reference List

Command | Description | Arity | Left | Right | Pythonish Representation
( ): NOP | NA | NA | NA
(!): Length of right argument | 1 | NA | Iterable | length(right)
   : Factorial of right argument | 1 | NA | Number | factorial(right)
("): Start/close string | 0 | NA | NA | NA
(#): Comment | NA | NA | NA | NA
($): Sort the right argument | 1 | NA | Iterable | sorted(right)
(%): Moduluo of left and right | 2 | Number | Number | left % right
   : Formats a string | 2 | String | String | left.format(right)
(&): Logical and | 2 | Any | Any | left && right
('): Delimit a variable name
((): Start a list | NA | NA | NA | NA
()): End a list | NA | NA | NA | NA
(*): Multiply left and right | 2 | Number | Number | left * right
   : Repeat left by right times | 2 | Iterable | Number | left * right
   : Product of iterables | 2 | Iterable | Iterable | list(itertools.product(left, right))
(+): Add left and right | 2 | Number | Number | left + right
   : Add left and right | 2 | String | String | left + right
   : Append right to left | 2 | List | Any | left.append(right)
(,): Separate list items | 0 | NA | NA | NA
(-): Subtraction | 2 | Number | Number | left - right
(.): Special constants | 0 | NA | NA | NA
(/): Divison | 2 | Number | Number | left / right
(0): Number
(1): Number
(2): Number
(3): Number
(4): Number
(5): Number
(6): Number
(7): Number
(8): Number
(9): Number
(:): Double the input | 1 | NA | Any | [right, right]
(;): Decrement | 1 | NA | Any | right - 1
(<): Less than | 2 | Any | Any | left < right
(=): Equality | 2 | Any | Any | left == right
(>): Greater than | 2 | Any | Any | left > right
(?): Input, eval'd | 0 | NA | NA | keta_eval(input())
(@): String ender
(A): Absolute value | 1 | NA | Number | abs(right)
(B): Binary to base 10 | 1 | NA | Number | int(2, right)
(C): Ceiling | 1 | NA | Number | math.ceil(right)
(D): Double | 1 | NA | Number | right * 2
(E): Eval | 1 | NA | String | keta_eval(right)
(F): Factorise | 1 | NA | Number | find_factors(right)
(G): Genrate range from 0 to right (inclusive) | 1 | NA | Number | range(0, right + 1)
(H): Halve | 1 | NA | Number | right / 2
(I): If statement | 2* | Expression | Block | if(expression, blocks)
(J): Join x by y | 2 | Iterable | String | right.join(left)
(K): Constant library | 1 | NA | Character | constants[right]
(L): List range | 2 | Number | Number | range(left, right + 1)
(M): Map function to iterable | 2 | Iterable | Block | map(right, left)
(N): Negate | 1 | NA | Number | right * -1
(O): One-dimensionify a list (flatten) | 1 | NA | Iterable | [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
(P): Permutation | 2 | Iterable | Number | itertools.permutations(left, right)
(Q): Quit/terminate program | 0 | NA | NA | exit()
(R): Reduce by block | 2 | Iterable | Block | functools.reduce(right, left)
(S): Square | 2 | Iterable | Number | textwrap.wrap(left, right)
(T): Top of stack | 1 | NA | Iterable | right[0]
(U): Uniquify | 1 | NA | Iterable | unique(right)
(V): Variable set | 2 | String | Any | left = right
(W): While loop | 2 | Expression | Block | While(left, right)
(X): Exclude/remove items | 2 | Iterable | Any | list(filter((right).__ne__, left))
(Y): Loop variable
(Z): Zip | 2 | Iterable | Iterable | zip(left, right)
([): Start a block
(\): Escape the next character
(]): End a block
(^): Exponate
(_): Truthify
(`): String ender
(a): all | 1 | NA | Iterable | all(right)
(b): binary representation | 1 | NA | Any | bin(right)
(c): contains | 2 | Iterable | Any | right in left
(d): divmod | 2 | Number | Number | divmod(left, right)
(e): exec | 1 | NA | String | keta_exec(right)
(f): filter | 2 | Iterable | Block | keta_fitler(left, right)
(g): generate exclusive range | 1 | NA | Number | range(0, right)
(h): hack/stride | 2 | Iterable | Iterable(Number, Number) | left[right[0]:right[1]]
(i): loop variable 
(j): loop variable
(k): loop variable
(l): Lookup/index | 2 | Iterable | Any | left.index(right)
(m): maximum | 2 | Any | Any | max(left, right)
(n): newline | 0 | NA | NA | NA
(o): or | 2 | Any | Any | left or right
(p): print | 1 | NA | Any | print(right)
(q): quoted | 1 | NA | Any | str(right)
(r): repeat | 2 | Number | Block | repeat(right, left)
(s): shape | 2 | Iterable | Number | shape(left, right)
(t): tail of stack | 1 | NA | Iterable | right[-1]
(u): uniquified sorted | 1 | NA | Iterable | sorted(uniquified(right))
(v): variable get | 1 | NA | String | variable_name
(w): wrap | 2 | Iterable | Number | left[::right]
(x): index | 2 | Iterable | Number | left[right]
(y): loop variable
(z): z(s)leep | 1 | NA | Number | time.sleep(right)
({): Start a block
(|): Seperate items
(}): End a block
(~): Random number