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Kentarg is a programming language created by Javaveryhot (talk).

The project was started at 6 February 2020 and released (with version 0.0.0) at 14 February 2020.

Kentarg program files uses the *.keg file extension.

NOTE: In and after version 0.1.6 the file extension is changed to *.ke !

Examples and basic syntax

Kentarg language "Hello, world." example:

print [Hello, world.]

Where "print" is the command and "Hello, world." is the first argument.

The [ and ] keeps "Hello, world." as one argument instead of two. If the [ and ] would not be used, the program would think that you would type ("Hello," and "world.") as the arguments, as this programming language uses single spaces to split up arguments.


command arg1 arg2 [arg3 arg3] arg4

Commands are split up with semicolons ( ; ), so a script would be:

print [Hello, world.];
print [Second line];
print Third_line;


To define or set a value to a variable, use the "put" (older versions use "define"), or the "get" command.

"put" command syntax:

put x this_is_my_variable

"get" command syntax:

get x

When using the "get" command, the user will have to type something (length of input has to be +1, not "").

In the "put" example above, "x" will be set to "this_is_my_variable", and in the "get" example, the value of "x" would be set to whatever the user inputs.

To include a variable in a command, using "print" in this example:

print ^(x)

and if "x" is "this_is_my_variable" then the terminal would print "this_is_my_variable".

To delete a variable, use the "break" command, with the variable name as the first argument.

Making a script variable:

You can make variables scripts, it would still be a normal variable with a value of a script:

~handle x
print ^(y)

The above example puts the existing variable (variable must already exist before handling it) "x" to the value of "~handle x;print ^(y);".

The tilde (~) exits variable handling mode.

Difference between "put" and "~handle":

The "~handle" command may just seem to be a script formatter, but doing the above handle code does not do the same thing as using "put x [print ^(y)]".


Because if the "y" variable already exists, then if the "put" method would be used, the variable "x" would become "print value_of_y" if "value_of_y" would be the value of the "y" variable.

To execute a variable script, you can use first this to define the script:

put x [print Hello!]

and then this to execute the script:

rar x

The "rar" command executes whatever variable is the first argument,

which in this case is "x" which has the value of "print Hello!".


NOTE: Different versions may have different command names and syntax, this wiki is using the latest version.