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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually brainfuck.

brainfuck is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022.

Commands Instructions
Any ASCII character. Will + or - until To the Character's value, then Print It.
Ā The same as <.
ā This command Is The same as >.
ś [.
ŝ This command Is Identical To ].
Ĭ This is the Same as , in brainfuck.
Ǵ . is The same as This command.
ф Delete the Last command In the Sub-code Of the brainfuck Code.
ʻ Swap the Last 2 commands of the Sub-code Of the brainfuck code.


All programs are Quines without non-ASCII commands.

"Hello, World!" Program:

Hello, World!

Cat program:


Truth-machine Program:

(Use number for non-Readable ASCII characters for Pseudocode.)
