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Jungle is an esoteric programming language created by User:Madk in May 2019.


A Jungle program is made up of statements and nodes. The nodes are arranged in a binary tree. A node is a parenthesized list of zero or more statements, except for the root node, which is not enclosed within parentheses.

A statement begins with an instruction, which is followed by zero or more arguments, and is terminated by a semicolon.

Nodes are syntactically similar to statements. A left node is declared with the "left" keyword and a right node is declared with the "right" keyword. A node is not required to have a left child or right child. However, a node may not have more than one of each, and may not have more than two children in total.

Syntax example

write_char "Hello from the root node!";
goto left;
left (
    write_char "Hello from the root's left child node!";
    goto sibling;
right (
    write_char "Hello from the root's right child node!";
    goto left;
    left (
        write_char "Hello from the left child of the root's right child!";


Every node has its own program counter, accumulator (acc), stack, stack pointer, carry flag (carry), overflow buffer (overflow), division by zero flag (divz), stack wrapping flag (wrapped), and error code (error). Nodes can share information by reading and manipulating each other's accumulator and stack. The accumulator and every value on the stack are represented as 32-bit two's complement signed integers.

The program terminates upon any node's program counter exceeding its final instruction, i.e. reaching the end of a node's code without having gone somewhere else. Note that the goto, transfer, and again instructions can be used to implement loops and conditionals. The program will also terminate upon using an instruction such as return or goto origin if there is no such origin node, i.e. no other node ever jumped to the node evaluating the instruction.

Each node's stack is of an implementation-defined size. Operations which would inspect the stack or set the stack pointer at a location that is outside the range [0, stack_size) causes the operation to wrap to the other end of the stack. When this happens, stack-related instructions like push and pop will set the wrapped flag to 1 on the node which executed the instruction.

Condition arguments

Some instructions accept a condition argument. Here is what each condition means for the action implied by an instruction:

  • always : Do it unconditionally.
  • if_zero : Do it if the accumulator is zero.
  • if_nonzero : Do it if the accumulator is not zero.
  • if_positive : Do it if the accumulator is greater than zero.
  • if_not_positive : Do it if the accumulator is not greater than zero.
  • if_negative : Do it if the accumulator is less than zero.
  • if_not_negative : Do it if the accumulator is not less than zero.
  • if_carry : Do it if the carry flag is not zero.
  • if_not_carry : Do it if the carry flag is zero.
  • if_divz : Do it if the division by zero flag is not zero.
  • if_not_divz : Do it if the division by zero flag is zero.
  • if_wrapped : Do it if the stack pointer wrapped flag is not zero.
  • if_not_wrapped : Do it if the stack pointer wrapped flag is zero.
  • if_error : Do it if the error code is not zero.
  • if_no_error : Do it if the error code is zero.

Node arguments

Some instructions accept a node argument. Here is what each recognized node argument refers to:

  • self : This self-same node, i.e. the node executing the instruction in question.
  • root : The program's first, or root node.
  • parent : The node's immediate parent.
  • left : The node's left child.
  • right : The node's right child.
  • sibling : The opposite child of the node's parent.
  • leftmost : Beginning with this node, traverse left children until the first node without a left child.
  • rightmost : Beginning with this node, traverse right children until the first node without a right child.
  • next : The node after this one in an in-order left-to-right traversal.
  • prev : The node before this one in an in-order left-to-right traversal.
  • origin : The last node to have resumed execution at this one via goto or transfer.

Value arguments

Many instructions accept a value argument. The push and write_char instructions can accept multiple value arguments. A value argument can be literal constant, or it can be one of these special keywords:

  • acc : The current value of the accumulator.
  • top : The value of the top item in the stack. (Won't set wrapped flag.)
  • carry : The carry flag, either 0 or 1.
  • overflow : Overflow, e.g. from multiplication.
  • divz : Division by zero flag, either 0 or 1.
  • wrapped : Stack pointer overflow/underflow flag, either 0 or 1.
  • error : Error number, set by instructions that can fail. Cleared by clear_error.

There are also names for referencing some important constants:

  • min : The lowest negative representable value, 0x80000000.
  • max : The greatest positive representable value, 0x7FFFFFFF.
  • stack_size : The number of items that can be pushed to the stack before wrapping.
  • no_error : Value to which error is set at start, or after clear_error.
  • read_char_error : Value to which error is set if read_char fails.
  • read_int_error : Value to which error is set if read_int fails.

Reference implementation

These are characteristics of the Jungle interpreter written by User:Madk in May 2019, but are not inherent language features:

A comment begins with two forward slashes "//" and ends at the next newline. Text in comments is ignored by the parser and is not considered as Jungle code.

The special string ///BEGIN/// indicates the start of source code. Content before the first ///BEGIN/// in a file will not be parsed as source code.

The special string ///END/// indicates an end of source code. Content after the first ///END/// in a file will not be parsed as source code. Instances of ///END/// preceding the first ///BEGIN/// are ignored.

The stack size is 256 items. This means that the stack_size named constant is equal to 256, and that the stack pointer will wrap back to the beginning of the stack memory if it exceeds this size.

When the instruction push has more than one value argument, the statement is unwrapped into one push for every argument. The arguments are pushed in reverse-order, i.e. the last argument is pushed first and the first argument is pushed last. In other words, the first argument will end up on the top of the stack and the final argument will end up below all the other items on the stack.

When the write_char instruction has more than one value argument, the statement is unwrapped into one write_char for every argument. The arguments are written in the same order that they are given.

Literal constants can be either number literals e.g. 1234, 0x100, or they can be string literals e.g. "Hello world!". A string constant is functionally the same as writing each of its unicode code points in order as a list of number literals.

Escape sequences starting with a backslash are supported in string literals. \0 aliases the null character (0x00), \a aliases the bell or alert character (0x07), \b aliases the backspace character (0x08), \e references the escape character or "ESC" (0x1B), \f references the form feed character (0x0C), \n references the line feed character (0x0A), \r references the carriage return character (0x0D), \t references the horizontal tab character (0x09), and \v references the vertical tab character (0x0B). Escape sequences of the form \x00 are also supported, where "00" are two hexadecimal digits representing one UTF-8 code unit.

Example programs

Hello, world!

write_char "Hello world!";


write_char acc;
xor "\n";
again if_nonzero;

Fibonacci sequence

write_char "First 20 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence:\n0";
push right 0 1;
transfer 20 left;
write_char "\n";
left (
    goto sibling if_nonzero;
    return if_zero;
right (
    add top;
    push acc;
    write_char ", ";
    write_int acc;

Instruction list

  • exit : Terminate program.
  • void : No operation.
  • goto : Jump to node.
  • transfer : Jump to node and set its acc.
  • again : Jump back to start of the same node.
  • return : Resume execution in the last node to jump to this one.
  • return_with : Resume execution and set target node's acc.
  • swap : Swap top two stack values.
  • push : Push values to the stack.
  • pop : Pop a value and set acc.
  • discard : Discard the top stack value.
  • peek : Set acc to the top stack value.
  • assign : Assign acc to a value.
  • inc : Increment value in acc.
  • dec : Decrement value in acc.
  • shl : Logical shift left acc by a given number of bits.
  • shr : Logical shift right acc by a given number of bits.
  • sar : Arithmetic shift right acc by a given number of bits.
  • negate : Negate the value of acc.
  • abs : Negate acc if acc is negative.
  • not : Flip the bits of acc.
  • add : Add a value to acc.
  • sub : Subtract a value from acc.
  • mul : Multiply acc by a value.
  • div : Divide acc by a value.
  • mod : Set acc to the modulo of acc over the given value.
  • rem : Set acc to the remainder of acc over the given value.
  • and : Set acc to the output of bitwise AND with the given value.
  • or : Set acc to the output of bitwise OR with the given value.
  • xor : Set acc to the output of bitwise XOR with the given value.
  • clear_error : Set error flag to no_error, i.e. zero.
  • write_char : Write unicode code points to stdout.
  • write_int : Write value as a decimal integer to stdout.
  • read_char : Read one unicode code point from stdin and set acc.
  • read_int : Read line from stdin, parse it as an integer, and set acc.

Instruction reference

In the following argument lists, [node] means that the instruction accepts a node relation argument. When the node argument is omitted, self is used as a default. [cond] means that the instruction accepts a condition argument. When the condition argument is omitted, always is used as a default. [val] means that the instruction accepts and requires exactly one value argument, i.e. acc, top, carry, overflow, divz, error, or a constant. [val...] means that the instruction accepts and requires one or more value or value arguments. Note that the order of arguments does not matter, except for the order of value arguments for the instructions which accept more than one.


No operation; do nothing.



Immediately terminate the program.



Resume execution at the first instruction of the given node.

Sets the origin node and program counter in the destination node to this node and the instruction after the goto, respectively.

goto [node] [cond];
goto right; // Jump to right child unconditionally
goto parent if_zero; // Jump to parent if the accumulator is zero


Assign the accumulator of the given node to the specified value, then resume execution at the first instruction of that node.

Sets the origin node and program counter in the destination node to this node and the instruction after the transfer, respectively.

transfer [val] [node] [cond];
transfer acc left if_positive; // Jump to left child with acc if acc is positive


Resume execution at the first instruction in this node.

again [cond];
again; // Repeat unconditionally
again if_no_error; // Repeat only if error is zero


Resume execution in the origin node (i.e. the last node to goto or transfer with this node as the destination) immediately after the instruction which caused control to transfer to this node.

return [cond];
return; // Return unconditionally
return if_nonzero; // Return only if acc is not zero


Resume execution in the origin node (i.e. the last node to goto or transfer with this node as the destination) immediately after the instruction which caused control to transfer to this node.

Additionally set the accumulator of the destination node to the specified value, before resuming execution there.

return_with [val] [cond];
return_with 0xFF; // Return unconditionally and set acc to 255
return_with top if_not_negative; // Return and set acc to top of stack if acc >= 0


Swap the two values on top of the given node's stack.

Set wrapped to 1 when the stack pointer was 0 or 1, and to 1 otherwise.

swap [node];
swap; // Swap own stack
swap parent; // Swap top values of parent node's stack


Push one or more values onto the given node's stack.

Set wrapped to 1 when the stack pointer was at its maximum value and wrapped to the start of the stack, and to 0 otherwise.

push [node] [val...];
push 1234; // Push 1234 to the top of this node's own stack
push "Hello world!"; // Push unicode code points of the string "Hello world!"
push leftmost -1; // Push -1 to leftmost child's stack


Pop one value from the given node's stack, and store that value in this node's accumulator.

Set wrapped to 1 when the stack pointer was at its minimum value and wrapped to the end of the stack, and to 0 otherwise.

pop [node];
pop; // Pop own stack and set accumulator to the popped value
pop sibling; // Pop sibling node's stack and set own accumulator


Pop one value from the given node's stack, but don't store the discarded value anywhere.

Set wrapped to 1 when the stack pointer was at its minimum value and wrapped to the end of the stack, and to 0 otherwise.

discard [node];
discard; // Discard top of own stack
discard right; // Discard top of right child node's stack


Copy the given node's top stack value into this node's accumulator.

Set wrapped to 1 when the stack pointer was at its minimum value (normally meaning the stack was empty), and to 0 otherwise.

peek [node];
peek; // Set acc to top of own stack
peek root; // Set own acc to top of root node's stack


Set the given node's accumulator to the specified value.

assign [node] [val];
assign 16; // Set own accumulator to 16
assign parent 100; // Set parent node's accumulator to 100


Increment the accumulator.

Set carry to 1 when the accumulator overflowed and 0 when it didn't.



Decrement the accumulator.

Set carry to 1 when the accumulator underflowed and 0 when it didn't.



Shift the accumulator left by a number of bits, filling the new least significant bits with zeros. The shift value is masked and only the lowest 5 bits are considered, i.e. the shift value is wrapped to be an unsigned value from 0 to 31.

Set overflow to the sign-extended high bits that were shifted out of the accumulator. Set carry to 1 when information about the value was lost, i.e. a successive shift arithmetic right (sar) by the same number of bits would not reproduce the original accumulator value. In other words, if all shifted bits and the new highest bit were not all the same value. Set carry to 0 otherwise.

shl [val];
shl 2; // Shift logical left by two bits


Shift the accumulator right by a number of bits, filling the new most significant bits with zeros. The shift value is masked and only the lowest five bits are considered, i.e. the shift value is wrapped to be an unsigned value from 0 to 31.

Set overflow to the low-order bits that were shifted out of the accumulator. Set carry to 1 when any of the shifted-out bits were nonzero and to 0 when those bits were all zero.

shr [val];
shr 3; // Shift logical right by three bits


Shift the accumulator right by a number of bits, filling the new most significant bits with the original value's most significant bit, i.e. its sign bit. The shift value is masked and only the lowest five bits are considered, i.e. the shift value is wrapped to be an unsigned value from 0 to 31.

Set overflow to the low-order bits that were shifted out of the accumulator. Set carry to 1 when any of the shifted-out bits were nonzero and to 0 when those bits were all zero.

sar [val];
shr 1; // Shift arithemtic right by one bit


Negate the accumulator.

Set carry to 1 when the accumulator was the largest possible negative value and 0 when it wasn't.



Negate the accumulator if its value is less than zero.

Set carry to 1 when the accumulator was the largest possible negative value and 0 when it wasn't.



Flip each bit of the accumulator.



Add a value to the accumulator.

Set carry to 1 when the sum overflowed and 0 when it didn't.

add [val];
add 100; // Add 100 to the accumulator


Subtract a value from the accumulator.

Set carry to 1 when the difference overflowed and 0 when it didn't.

sub [val];
sub stack_size; // Subtract stack size (e.g. 256) from the accumulator


Multiply the accumulator by the given value.

Set carry to 1 when the product overflowed and 0 when it didn't. The accumulator receives the lower 32 bits of the product and overflow is set to the higher 32 bits, i.e. the overflow.

mul [val];
mul 5; // Multiply the accumulator by 5


Divide the accumulator by the given value.

Set divz to 1 when the divisor value was zero and 0 otherwise.

div [val];
div 4; // Divide the accumulator by 4


Set the accumulator to the modulo from dividing the accumulator by the given value. The modulo has the same sign as the divisor, meaning in this case the input value.

Set divz to 1 when the divisor value was zero and 0 otherwise.

mod [val];
mod 4; // Set accumulator to the outcome of accumulator mod 4


Set the accumulator to the remainder from dividing the accumulator by the given value. The remainder has the same sign as the dividend, meaning in this case the accumulator.

Set divz to 1 when the divisor value was zero and 0 otherwise.

rem [val];
rem 10; // Set acc to the remainder after dividing acc by 10


Assign the accumulator to the result of a bitwise AND with the given value.

and [val];
and 0xFFFF0000; // Set acc to acc & 0xFFFF0000


Assign the accumulator to the result of a bitwise OR with the given value.

or [val];
or 0x0000FFFF; // Set acc to acc | 0x0000FFFF


Assign the accumulator to the result of a bitwise XOR with the given value.

xor [val];
xor 0x00FFFF00; // Set acc to acc ^ 0x00FFFF00


Set the error status for this node to 0, meaning no error.



Write one or more values to stdout, each as a unicode code point.

write_char [val...];
write_char 65; // Write "A" to stdout
write_char "Hello world!\n"; // Write "Hello world!" to stdout, then a newline


Write a value to stdout as a decimal integer number.

write_int [val];
write_int acc; // Write value of the accumulator to stdout as a decimal integer


Wait for and read a single unicode code point from stdin. Store the code point in the accumulator.

Set error to read_char_error when there was a problem reading from the input, such as due to EOF or invalid unicode The accumulator is set to zero when there was an error.



Wait for and read characters from stdin up until the next newline \n, then parse the result as a number. Store the resulting number in the accumulator.

The instruction is required to parse decimal integers with and without a preceding sign e.g. 1234, +456, -789. The specification allows for but does not require other forms of input to be accepted.

Set error to read_int_error when there was a problem reading from the input or parsing a number given the input. The accumulator is set to zero when there was an error.


External resources

Download Jungle interpreter