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JSFuck is an esoteric subset of the JavaScript language that uses only six distinct characters in the source code. The characters are +, !, (, ), [, ].


JSFuck works because every JavaScript program can be written as a string that gets evaluated.

For example, this normal JavaScript code:

alert("Hello, world!")

can be written as

Function('alert("Hello, world!")')()

Now each character of the string alert("Hello, world!") can be written using only the 6 characters +!()[] in a tricky way. For a start, let's just look at the letter "a", how it's written in JSFuck:

  • "a": from string "false", second character (index 1 counting from 0)...
  • "false"[1]: "false" can be made from false+[], i.e. the boolean constant false plus an empty array...
  • (false+[])[1]: we write false as ![] (negation applied to an empty array)...
  • (![]+[])[1]: 1 is a number, we can write it as +true...
  • (![]+[])[+true]: since false is ![], true is !![]...
  • (![]+[])[+!![]] <<< that's it!

In a few steps, the letter "a" has been converted into pure JSFuck code. Other characters can be much harder to produce, but over the years, tricky ways have been found to write any character using only the characters allowed in JSFuck. Anyway, those can be quite long strings for each character, and that's why a simple Hello, World! program in JSFuck takes up more than 10000 characters!

But let's come back to our example: after all JSFucked characters are joined back together like "a"+"l"+"e"+"r"+"t"+..., there's still the Function(...)() part to convert. Function in JavaScript is the constructor of any function, so if we can get a function somehow, and then get its constructor, we're done. In fact, Function in JSFuck is made from []["flat"]["constructor"], i.e., the "constructor" property of the "flat" property of an empty array. The strings "flat" and "constructor" are just sequences of characters, and we already know that there's always a tricky way to write each character.


There are a few encoders available for JSFuck, all written in JavaScript:

Hieroglyphy is not a real JSFuck encoder, because it uses extra characters like {, }, but it's listed here for completeness:

Computational Class

Trivially Turing-complete by a reduction from JS.

There's also a golfed 3-cell brainfuck intepreter to prove, 17710 bytes. Change if you have shorter ones to prove TC.


It's a JSCrewit conversion from:

r=>{s=f=u=t=[];for(i of x){++u;if(i=='[')s.push(t);else if(i==']')f[f[u]=s.pop()]=u;}N=[0n,0n,0n];for(a=0;t<u;++t)switch(r[t]){case'+':N[a]+=2n;case'-':N[a--]--;case'>':a+=2;case'<':a=(a+2)%3;break;case'[':t=N[a]?t:f[t];break;case']':t=N[a]?f[t]:t;}}

Shorten your JSFuck code

Here are some ways you can shorten your JSFuck code.

Reduce the code length

JSFuck code generators generate more code if the original code is longer, so try to reduce the code length. Use a minimizer or golf your program.

Avoid uppercase letters

It is harder to generate uppercase letters in JSFuck code generators than lowercase letters. Unfortunately, many functions in JSFuck has at least one uppercase letters, but we can try to avoid these functions and use lowercase letters as functions.

Use letters present in JavaScript literals

JSFuck code generators often use JavaScript literals (like false) to generate code, you can use these characters as variable names, these letters are:


Avoid punctuations

Punctuations usually cost a lot of characters, so try to avoid them. A Period (.) costs 72 bytes, but do you know that a single question mark (?) costs 1056 bytes?

Use if statements instead of conditional operator

As said above, the question mark is very expensive, so use if statements instead of conditional operator. The string if(a){b}else{c} costs only 902 bytes, but a single question mark costs 1056. (If you wonder, the string a?b:c costs 2186 bytes! Almost 2.5 times the cost of if(a){b}else{c}!)

External resources

See also #Encoders above.