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Inputer is a stack-based esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08 which is based on inputing and inspired by Volatile.


Command Operation
' input number and push it to the stack.
+ pop two number, a and b, push b+a.
- pop two number, a and b, push b-a.
* pop two number, a and b, push b*a.
/ pop two number, a and b, push b/a.
! NOP, but needs to match with ?.
? pop top element and if it is not equal to element on the top go back to matching !.
(...) loop while top element is not zero.
# debug command. Outputs stack.


Cat program

A one-time cat program is implemented in the following:


A repeating cat program, which terminates on a user input of zero, comprises this:



This program aspires to approximate a truth-machine:


Number guessing game

This example program simulates a number guessing game, querying the user for the correct answer, then letting him probe for the same, while concomitantly printing each twain on the stack:



The throughout simplistic program below queries the user for two numbers, pushes their sum unto the stack, and prints the result:


Computational class

It is Turing-complete by reduction from VolatiIO, version of Volatile where ~ inputs a number and push it to the stack:

+-*/() are the same

VolatilIO Inputer
~ '
: Unknown


  • Common Lisp implementation of the Inputer programming language.