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Infbf is an esoteric programming language by User:Fyr. It is a derivative of brainfuck with an infinite-dimensional hypercube tape where each dimension has two cells.

The brainfuck commands > and < are repurposed as rotation to a different dimension, instead | is used for moving to the other cell in the current dimension.

A brainfuck program can be converted into an Infbf program by replacing each > and < with |> and <|.


Command Description
> Increment the dimension
< Decrement the dimension
| Move to the other cell in the current dimension
+ Increment the current cell
- Decrement the current cell
. Output a character from the current cell
, Input a character and store it in the current cell
[ Jump forward to the matching ] if the current cell is zero
] Jump back to the matching [ if the current cell is nonzero


A program that prints "Hello World!":


External resources