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imbored Is an Esoteric programming language created User:Buckets in 2022, To be specific, 'imbored' Is not It's real name, there was No real name except The singular phrase "imbored" at the top of the Document.
Commands | Instructions |
0-9 | Add a branch with that Number stored within that branch. |
v | Go down 1 node. |
^ | Go up 1 node. |
< | Go to the leftwards neighbour of this current branch of the same parent of this Node. |
> | Go To The rightwards Neighbour Of the Current branch of The same parent of This Node. |
/ | Set the branch to the input. |
\ | Print the current number of this current branch. |
{ | Move this current Branch Rightwards of the Set of the Parent node. |
} | Move this Current Branch Leftwards of the Set of the Parent Node. |
[ | Duplicate the Current branch towards tge Left. |
] | Delete this current branch and Go the the leftmost Branch. |
( | Sort the current Branch and with the Branch of the right neighbour of the same node and then sort it Lowest to Highest. |
) | Sort the current Branch and with the Branch of the Left neighbour of the Same node and then sort it Lowest to Highest. |
+ | If this current branch is not 0 then go to the nearest previous - That Is Not linked with A ;. |
; | If this current branch is not 0 then go to the nearest Next -, that is not linked with a +. |
- | Noop. |
= | Change the current branch's number 1 lesser. |
_ | Change the current branch 's number 1 greater. |
! | This Command will Delete all Children of this branch and Collapse it into One number using Sums. |
@ | This Command will Delete all Children of this branch and Collapse it into One number using Multiplication. |
# | This Command will Delete all Children of this branch and Collapse it into One number using Division, Leftmost to Rightmost. |
Cat program:
Truth-machine Program:
Infinite Counting Program:
A+B Problem:
A More efficient A+B Problem Solution:
A less Efficient A+B Problem Solution:
0/>0/<->_<=+]0v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^ v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^\