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Icea is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2024.

Commands Instructions
═, ║, ╔, ╗, ╚, ╝, ╠, ╣, ╦ and ╩. Borders for Instructions.
#m Set The inside border Identification m.
{n} Activate that certain Border instruction n.

Cat program:

║#1 Receive an input║
║#2 Emit an output║

"Hello, World!" Program:

║#1 Receive a string "Hello, World!"║
║#2 Emit an output║

Truth-machine Program:

║#1 Receive an input║
║#2 If equals string "1", {3} Else {4}║
║#3 Emit an output {3}║
║#4 Emit an output║

A+B Problem:

║#1 Receive an input║
║#2 Store as "a"║
║#3 Store as "b"║
║#4 Change "a" by +"b"║
║#5 Emit an output║