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Not to be confused with Ice box.

This is a language the creator, User:DifferentDance8 despises now, and is purely provided here for archival reasons.

IceBox is a variant of BrainF that dynamically adjusts its behavior based on the current outdoor temperature in Celsius. If the temperature exceeds approximately 17 degrees Celsius, IceBox will not execute any programs provided to it. However, when the temperature falls below 17 degrees Celsius, IceBox activates a special algorithm known as "IceBox" to derive a random value based on the current Celsius temperature.

IceBox: IceBox's Special Algorithm

Let T represent the current temperature in Celsius.

The IceBox formula is defined as:

IceBox = T + T/2 * Random(-1, 1)

Additionally, IceBox includes another formula termed "FirePlace":

FirePlace = 0 - IceBox

These algorithms underscore IceBox's unique adaptation to environmental conditions, reflecting its operational variability linked directly to ambient temperature levels.

IceBox Commands

IceBox supports two categories of commands: BF-compatible commands and IB-exclusive commands. BF-compatible commands are theoretically compatible with BrainF, though IceBox introduces significant divergence in program behavior due to Freezer interactions. On the other hand, IB-exclusive commands are specific to IceBox.

IceBox commands familiar to IceBox
Command BF IceBox
> Moves the data pointer by 1 Moves the data pointer by Freezer
< Moves the data pointer by -1 Moves the data pointer by FirePlace
+ Increases the value at the data pointer by 1 Increments the value at the data pointer by Freezer
- Decreases the value at the data pointer by 1 Decreases the value at the data pointer by FirePlace
. Outputs the byte at the data pointer Changing this command to involve Freezer would introduce unnecessary complexity.
, Accepts one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the data pointer Changing this command to involve Freezer would introduce unnecessary complexity.
[ If the byte at the data pointer is zero, jumps forward to the matching ] command Freezer does not interact with this command due to lack of possibility.
] If the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, jumps back to the matching [ command Freezer does not interact with this command due to lack of possibility.

BrainF programs using only these 8 commands (excluding any extensions) can technically run on IceBox, albeit with unpredictable outcomes. Similarly, IceBox programs adhering to these commands may be interpreted by BrainF, though with divergent behavior as influenced by Freezer dynamics.

IceBox also introduces two unique commands that are not compatible with BrainF due to IceBox's specialized Freezer dynamics. These commands facilitate easier interaction with IceBox's operational peculiarities. ({NEWLINE} indicates a new line}

IceBox Exclusive
Command Explanation
{NEWLINE}#{NEWLINE} Modifies subsequent + or - commands to behave like BrainF. This effect naturally expires after approximately 40 characters to prevent exploitation.
{NEWLINE}^{NEWLINE} Reverts the effects of # earlier than the 40-character limit.

Additionally, there is a third command, "&", primarily used to conveniently declare single or multiline comments, which is excluded from the above table due to its non-functional impact on program execution.

Example Programs