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Icarus is an attempt at a completely typeless programming language.



Each variable does not really have a type. Instead, they have multiple interpretations. For example, if you set a to 3, it could be interpreted as the number three, a string consisting entirely of the the character 3 (ASCII code 51), or perhaps a regular expression that checks for instances of the character 3, if I decide to implement regular expressions. Variables can be truthy or falsy. If one of a variable's interpretations is truthy, all of them are. Otherwise, they are all falsy. Anyway, setting or declaring a variable is easy; just do the following: a = 3

Falsy literals

  • 0, "0", etc.
  • ""


Operation Description Example Evaluation of example
. String Concatenation "a"."b" "ab"
+ Numeric Addition 1+2 3
- Numeric Subtraction 1-2 -1
* Numeric Multiplication 1*2 2
/ Numeric Division 1/2 0.5
** Numeric Exponentiation 1**2 1
[] Subscript (gets character in a string) "Hello"[0] "H"

Control Flow

Control flow is somewhat C-like.

 //Code here only executes if condition1 is truthy
}else if(condition2){
 //Code here only executes if condition1 is falsy, but condition2 is truthy
 //Code here only executes if both condition 1 and condition2 are falsy
 //Code here repeats until condition is falsy
 //Code here will try to execute
 //If the code in the try block throws an error, the code here will execute


Functions are declared with the function statement, like so:

function functionName(parameter1, parameter2, ...){
 //Function code

Functions are not first-class variables.

There are also built-in functions, such as `print` and `input`.


Tests if a value is a number

a = input()
 b = a + 1
 print("You entered a number")
 print("You did not enter a number")