I dont feel good and im bored

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I dont feel good and im bored or Idfgaib is a esolang created by User:Yayimhere and is name explains why it was made

how it works

a I dont feel good and im bored program is a list of inequalities with arbitrary variables(like x, y, z ect.). and for each solution of x specifically a unicode char will be added to the memory(a string) where the ascii char is x converted to ascii. there are a few special rules:

  • every equation will be solved at the same time(and the appending will be ordered after how high x is ordered highest to lowest
  • until the final solution is found the program loops finding solutions to unsolved equations
  • it will halt when no more equations can be solved
  • if a equation has no solutions it will break out of any loop and continue
  • I dont feel good and im bored does not allow negatives
  • solutions are found from 0 and up


the equations have this format:

√A sqrt of A
A+B a plus B
A-B a minus B
A*B a multiplied by b
A/B a divided by B
A%B a modulo b
(A) group expression A
A=B a equal to b
A≠B a not equal to b
A>B a more than b
A<B a less than b
A^B a raised to the power of 2
n√A n'th root of a