iThinkMyComputerIsDrunk is an esolang, created by RandomIdiot. At some point, iThinkMyComputerIsDrunk is the opposite of jQuery because its concept is "write more, do less". Important tip: this article is as strange as the esolang. You will find out what this means later.
Writing Programms in iThinkMyComputerIsDrunk
(You will see why this is the first thing you get to know)
To set a Boolean, you write the name of the Boolean and in new line the value. Values are:
- of course (=true)
- hell nah wtf man no (=false)
Booleans you can set are:
- ohio (are we in ohio?)
- shift (i will explain its use later)
How to start a programm
ohio hell nah wtf man no prepare
If you don't start with this, the programm won't work. So, what you are telling the interpreter is, that we are not in ohio (so it can do things normaly) and that it should prepare for further instructuons.
The lazy interpreter
At least every fourth line, you must tell the interpreter to continue. You can do that by writing
go on
Simple, right? Don't get used to it.
The mainmode
To produce output or get input, you must set the mainmode to "out" or "in". You can do that by writing
Simple again?! Yes. Let me fix that...
If you set the mainmode to out, you can use these functions:
- add:
Write a Number behind it to a letter to your output storage. Not that simple, is it?!
Code | Added Letter |
add 1 | a |
add 2 | b |
add 3 | c |
27 is a space.
- clear:
Clear the output storage.
- shift (BOOLEAN!!!)
If shift is true, the letters you add are uppercase. If false, they are lowercase.
You can set shift to true with this:
shift of course
To false:
shift hell nah wtf man no
Normaly, shift is false.
There are no special functions for this mainmode. Check out "use".
is a keyword. With it, you "activate" the mainmode.
For mainmode Out
If the mainmode is set to out, you can just write use to print the output storage.
Thats it! Simple... A little too simple...
Uh Oh, hard mechanic incoming.
You can print variables. Yes, you heard that right, variables! You can't edit them. But print them. [...]
use #varname
For mainmode In
If you want to get a text-input, it looks like this:
use varname
So basicly, you create a variable called varname, store the input in it, and show it as "Question".
What does this mean?
Idk. Idc. Try.
Exit the programm
Use this code to exit your programm:
shut up
Jump to line
ln 3
I hope this answers your question.
loop[2]{add 1}
- execute twice ([2]=two times executed)
- "add 1" is executed twice
- Don't try to put multiple actions in the loops body
Error Messages
They follow one rule: they are useless.
Did you think I will explain them?
You are wrong.
Hello World
ohio hell nah wtf man no prepare go on in use test out go on use #test shift of course go on add 8 shift hell nah wtf man no go on add 5 loop[2]{add 12} add 15 go on add 27 go on shift of course add 23 go on shift hell nah wtf man no add 15 go on add 18 add 12 add 4 go on use shut up
Here is an interpreter in Python.
path=input("What is the path to your codefile?\n") f=open(path,"r") f.close() c=c.split("\n") def grey(text): return "\x1b[30m"+text+"\x1b[0m" def error(ln,msg): print(grey("You messed up at line "+ln+".")+"\n"+msg) exit() def list_to_2d(l): #only works if content is 100% strings l=str(l).replace("[","").replace("]","") return l.split(",") if c[0]!="ohio": error("1","Don't start like that.\nI need to know if we are in ohio.") if c[1]=="of course": error("2","Hell nah im outta here") if c[1]!="hell nah wtf man no": error("2","What u talkin about man ?") last_go_ahead=0 go_ons=0 for x in range(len(c)): if c[x]=="go on": last_go_ahead=0 go_ons+=1 else: last_go_ahead+=1 if last_go_ahead>=4: error(str(x)+" (roundabout)","You did'nt said i should go on...") for x in range(go_ons): c.remove("go on") c.pop(0) c.pop(0) if c[-1]!="shut up": error("[Last Line]","Bro i'm waiting :(") else: c.pop(-1) letters=list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ") prepared=False mainmode="nothing" shift=False outp="" inps={} ignoreNext=False for x in range(len(c)): if ignoreNext: ignoreNext=False continue if c[x].startswith("ln "): c[x]=c[int(c[x].split(" ")[1]-1)] times=1 if c[x].startswith("loop["): q=c[x].split("[") for y in range(len(q)): q[y]=q[y].split("]") q=list_to_2d(q) if len(q)>3: error("[who knows]","More than 1 [ and / or 1 ] in your loop...") else: times=int(q[1].replace(" ","").replace("'","")) q=c[x].split("{") for y in range(len(q)): q[y]=q[y].split("}") q=list_to_2d(q) if len(q)>3: error("[who knows]","More than 1 { and / or 1 } in your loop...") else: c[x]=q[1].replace("'","")[1:len(q[1].replace("'",""))] # [1:-1] selects everything except the first letter (which is a space) for y in range(times): if c[x]=="prepare": prepared=True elif c[x] in ["out","in"]: if not prepared: error("[I don't know, just look where you first changed mainmode]","I'm not ready for this.\nOh and it's probably line "+str(x+1)) else: mainmode=c[x] elif c[x]=="clear": outp="" elif c[x].startswith("add "): if mainmode=="out": q=c[x].split(" ")[1] q=int(q) q=letters[q-1] if shift: q=q.upper() outp+=q elif c[x].startswith("use"): if mainmode=="nothing": error("[just look where you wrote 'use']","Use what?") elif mainmode=="out": if len(c[x])>4 and c[x][4]=="#": print(inps[c[x].split("#")[1]]) else: print(outp) elif mainmode=="in": inps[c[x].split(" ")[1]]=input(c[x].split(" ")[1]) elif c[x].replace(" ","")=="": continue elif c[x]=="shift": ignoreNext=True if c[x+1] == "of course": shift=True elif c[x+1] == "hell nah wtf man no": shift=False else: error("[just look for your mistake lol]","Boolean can only be 'of course' or 'hell nah wtf man no'") else: print(c) print(x) error("[just look for your mistake lol]","What u talkin about man ?")
If you read this, I owe you a cookie
Just kidding ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha