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ISEW2C (It Is Esolang With 2 Commands) is an esolang for imitating a Turing machine, comprehending merely two commands, and invented by the User:ChuckEsoteric08!


ISEW2C's command set includes two members, identified in a euonymous manner with the tally of their expected arguments. Please note that commands, being possible goto targets, are enumerated starting with one (1).

Command Description
3 x y z If x does not equal 0, change the cell at position z to the sum of x and y and print the new cell value as a number. If x equals 0, set the cell at position z to 0.
2 x y If the cell at position x does not contain 0, goto the command at position y. If the cell at position x contains 0, set its value to the user input.


Turing-completeness is conceivable, as programs operate on a very long tape and infinite loops can be realized. This language would also be considered a Turing tarpit if so.


Number sequence

This program prints the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

3 1 0 0
3 2 0 0
3 3 0 0
3 4 0 0
3 5 0 0

Infinite loop

This program prints the number 1 in an infinite loop.

3 1 0 0
2 0 1

External resources

  • Common Lisp implementation of the ISEW2C programming language.