Human's mind have sex with someone

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Human's mind have sex with someone is a stupid TrivialBrainfuckSubstitution which uses unabbreviated commands instead of abbreviated symbols.


Brainfuck Human's mind have sex with someone
> Move the pointer to the right
< Move the pointer to the left
+ Increment the memory cell under the pointer
- Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
. Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
, Input the character signified by the cell at the pointer
[ Jump past the matching right bracket if the cell under the pointer is 0
] Jump back to the matching left bracket if the cell under the pointer is not 0


Hello, world!

Increment the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerJump past the matching right bracket if the cell under the pointer is 0Move the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerMove the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerMove the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerMove the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerMove the pointer to the leftMove the pointer to the leftMove the pointer to the leftMove the pointer to the leftDecrement the memory cell under the pointerJump back to the matching left bracket if the cell under the pointer is not 0Move the pointer to the rightMove the pointer to the rightMove the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerMove the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerMove the pointer to the leftMove the pointer to the leftIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerMove the pointer to the rightIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerMove the pointer to the rightOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerDecrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerMove the pointer to the leftMove the pointer to the leftIncrement the memory cell under the pointerOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointerMove the pointer to the leftOutput the character signified by the cell at the pointer

Cat program

An infinitely repeating cat program follows:

Input the character signified by the cell at the pointer
Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
Jump past the matching right bracket if the cell under the pointer is 0
Input the character signified by the cell at the pointer
Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
Jump back to the matching left bracket if the cell under the pointer is not 0

See also

  • DetailedFuck, a conceptually consanguineous, even more nimious language in the employment of descriptive command names


  • Common Lisp implementation of the Human's mind have sex with someone programming language.