Here's to the crazy ones

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Here's to the crazy ones is a inspiration of Shakespeare Programming Language adjusted to reference Apple's TextEdit icon before Yosemite, saying "Dear Kate, Here's to the crazy ones."

How to program


The first line of your HTTCO program or a title should be like this: "Dear Name," or the program will not run. Any program without "Dear Name," will output this:

Dear User, syntax error. Please check out the manual for more information.

The syntax error phrase is used for all syntax errors. Name is the name of the program. Here's an example:

Dear Hanoi,


There are three variables. These are misfits, rebels, and troublemakers. All of them start with the number 0 and are integers. There is a fourth variable, called round pegs in the square holes, and it's a string. You can turn them into whatever you want, using some phrases. A normal one that does not change types of variables is like this:

Dear Dice Roller, here's to the random ones. The misfits.

Types of variables

  • Boolean: The ones that can only say "Yes" or "No".
  • Character: The small number.
  • Integer: The big number.
  • Float: The dragon that is a flying point number.
  • Wide Character: The fat boy that ate too much burgers.
  • String: The ones who see things differently.
  • Mixed: The overpowered man.

And here's how to use it:

Dear Truth Machine, here's to the random ones. The rebels - the ones that can only say "Yes" or "No".

"Here's to the type ones"

After "Dear Name," you shall add the next sentence part, that says "Here's to the type ones." type means what the program will do. Here's an example:

Dear ROT13, here's to the encoder ones.


Lines reference the TextEdit original text, and mostly of it was different.


Do nothing:

They're not fond of rules and they are useless.

Change variable (this one is boolean):

You can set name to "Yes",

Lock variable to prevent glitches:

About the only thing that you can't do is change name.

A negative version (unlock):

About the only thing that you can do is change name.

Run another script:

You can script them.

Run multiple otherscripts:

You can script1 them, script2 them or script3 them.

Output a variable:

Because they output name.

End program (to prevent the program from running forever):

Take care, creator

name is the name of the variable.

script, script1, script2, and script3 are scriptfiles.

creator is the name of the person who created the script.


Hello, world!

Dear Hello World, here's to the example ones. The troublemakers - the ones who see things differently. You can set troublemakers to "Hello, world!", about the only thing that you can't do is change troublemakers. Because they output troublemakers. Take care, MiroslavRD

99 Bottles of Beer

Impossible, but can be done by others.


It's easy to make a quine in Here's to the crazy ones, as it can be done by the magic word "xyzzy" Try putting 2 hashtags surrounding xyzzy (e.g. #xyzzy#) to make it say a literal xyzzy.

Dear Quine, here's to the recursion ones. The troublemakers - the ones who see things differently. You can set troublemakers to "xyzzy", about the only thing that you can't do is change troublemakers. Because they output troublemakers. Take care, MiroslavRD