Harmonic E♯

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Harmonic E♯ is a derivative of E♯. But you can add two #s (i.e. ##) To access a tertiary function, all old commands are kept (see E♯ for info about those)


Tertiary functions

The new tertiary functions that are added in Harmonic E♯ are listed as follows. Most of them are pointless and I will not attempt to make any examples for.

# of E's New tertiary functions
2 Define the next line as a parameter
3 Places the length of the rest of the queue onto the queue
4 Change the queue to a stack, and vice versa.
5 Do next command 7 times. EEEEE## #E# EEEEE## does the next 49 times, but 3+ of them acts like one.
6 Clear queue
7 Output everything in queue
8 Set an "anchor" point in the queue. this cannot be removed and acts like it is nonexistent.
9 Put everything above the anchor below it
10 Put everything below the anchor above it
11 Switch the stuff below the anchor and the stuff above the anchor.
12 Skip to the command after this upon an error is found anywhere else. If one happens inside the command. Go to the next EEEEEEEEEEEE##. If no more exist, go to first.
13 Negate the conditional for the next statement.
14 Ignore the entirety of the next line
15 Wait 10 seconds
16 Prints a program in a random language
17 Solve the halting problem