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Har(d) is an esolang created by User:LEOMOK. It is inspired by the constructed language Kay(f)bop(t). It uses an infinite stack of arbitrary-precision rational numbers, as well as a global array.


Each instruction takes an argument in Har(d). A program is written like this:


Arguments are rational numbers, with bignum numerators and denominators, like 123, 0.456 and 78/9.


In each instruction, A is the argument, and [n] is the 0-indexed nth stack item. Basic

   . - Push A to the stack.
   + - top = top + [A], then remove [A]
   - - top = top - [A], then remove [A]
   * - top = top * [A], then remove [A]
   / - top = top / [A], then remove [A]
   \ - top = int(top / [A]), then remove [A]. /(1) is an idiom for truncating the top stack item.
   % - top = top % [A], then remove [A]
   & - top = int(top) AND int([A]) (bitwise), then remove [A]
   | - top = int(top) OR int([A]) (bitwise), then remove [A]
   ~ - top = NOT int([A]) (bitwise), then remove [A]
   ^ - top = int(top) XOR int([A]) (bitwise), then remove [A]
   $ - Pop [A]
   : - Duplicate [A]
   ; - Swap [A] and top
   [ - Print [A] as nunmber
   ] - Print [A] as Unicode character
   { - Input number into [A]
   } - Input Unicode character into [A]
   p - array([A]) = top
   g - Push array([A]) to stack.

Control flow

   @ - Goto A
   # - Label A
   < - If top < 0 goto A
   > - If top > 0 goto A
   = - If top = 0 goto A
   ' - Goblins. Jump to last @ and excute next instruction.
   " - Terminate program instruction with exit code [A].

Comments are indicated in parentheses.