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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually HQ9#.

HQ9# is an esolang created by islptng. It is designed to be more usable than HQ9+.


H prints Hello World
Hw prints Hello world
hw prints hello world
H, prints Hello, World
H! prints Hello World!
can be nested: Hw,! prints Hello, world!
Hc prints 問天地好在

9 prints 99 bottles of beer with "1 bottles" and "0 bottles"
9s prints 99 bottles of beer with "1 bottle"
9m prints 99 bottles of beer with "1 bottles" and "Go to store"
9i prints N bottles of beer, with the accumulator as N
can be nested: 9ism is valid
9c prints 與君九十九杯酒

T is Truth-machine
C is Cat-program
R is Reverse-cat-program
D is Disan-count
E is Project Euler Problem N where N is the accumulator
S squares accumulator 
O outputs the accumulator
A line begin with " prints the line without "
A line begin with Q prints the line with Q

+ increments the accumulator 
- decrements the accumulator 
*x multiplies the accumulator by x
/x tries to divide the accumulator by x, if success, skips the next command, else skips the 2nd next command 
X branches if accumulator is greater than 0, begin from the start of program 
Y returns from branch 
& switches the language to SLet 4, which proves this TC