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Not to be confused with h.

is a variant of Chicken created by User:TheCanon2. The only valid symbols in H̱ are h, H, ẖ, and H̱, the latter two are only used to indicate the beginning of an operation.

Memory model

The memory model of H̱ is identical to the memory model in Chicken.


Opcode Command Action
0 Halts the program
1 Pushes the string "H̱" to the stack
2 H̱h Add two top stack values
3 H̱H Subtract two top stack values
4 H̱hh Multiply two top stack values
5 H̱hH Compare two top stack values for equality and push truthy or falsy result to the stack
6 H̱Hh Next instruction indicates source to load from. loads from stack, H̱ loads from user input. Top of stack indicates address/index to load to stack
7 H̱HH Top of stack points to address/index to store to. The value below that will be popped and stored
8 H̱hhh Top of stack is a relative offset to jump to. The value below that is the condition. Conditional jump
9 H̱hhH Pop x from stack and push &#x;
10+ Push the number n-10 to the stack

The Chicken opcodes are converted into binary in which 0 is h and 1 is H, with the lined h or H marking the beginning of the binary value.

Opcode 1 pushes the string "H̱" instead of the string "chicken" for no reason other than to allow for a quine.


Hello, World!





A+B problem
