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gs2 is a a concatenative language designed by User:nooodl, inspired by GolfScript and J, designed to be as efficient as possible at code golf. gs2 code uses a binary format in which most bytes represent a single high-level stack operation. The code is run over stdin token by token, just like GolfScript.

The documentation that used to be here is mostly out of date now, and until the author gets around to writing up something more thorough, careful reading of the source code is your best bet, as with FlogScript. An old revision can be found here: [1]


Code is tokenized as follows:

   # string hack: programs can omit starting \x04 and save a byte
   if re.match('^[^\x04]*[\x05\x06]', prog):
       prog = '\x04' + prog
   token_re = [
       '\x01.',                      # unsigned byte
       '\x02..',                     # signed short
       '\x03....',                   # signed long
       '\x04[^\x05\x06]*[\x05\x06]', # string (array)
       '\x07.',                      # 1 char string
       '.',                          # regular token
   tokens = re.findall('|'.join(token_re), prog, re.DOTALL)

Tokens starting with \x01 through \x03 push little-endian binary integers to the stack. Sequences of strings are delimited by \x04 and \x05, and split by \x07. The final \x05 byte can be replaced by \x06 in which case the strings are wrapped in an array. Some examples:

   04 'a' 'b' 'c' 05                   => "abc"
   04 'a' 'b' 'c' 07 'd' 'e' 'f' 05    => "abc" "def"
   04 'a' 'b' 'c' 06                   => ["abc"]
   04 'a' 'b' 'c' 07 'd' 'e' 'f' 06    => ["abc" "def"]

The following tokens are all "special" syntactically, i.e. not just a stack operation:

  • \x08 opens a block, \x09 closes it. (These function like GolfScript's curly braces.) The mnemonics are { and }.
  • \x4d __ pushes a 1-byte block. Mnemonic: ' (as in a Lisp quote.)
  • \x4e __ maps a 1-byte block over the top of the stack. Mnemonic: m.
  • \x4f __ filters a 1-byte block over the top of the stack. Mnemonic: f.
  • \x5c __ maps a 2-byte block over the top of the stack. Mnemonic: mm.
  • \x5d __ filters a 2-byte block over the top of the stack. Mnemonic: ff.
  • \x5e opens a map block that lasts until the end of the program (or the next }). Mnemonic: m:.
  • \x5f opens a filter block that lasts until the end of the program (or the next }). Mnemonic: f:.


In the "from" and "to" columns, following variables are used:

  • α, β, γ represent any stack value, κ represents a constant
  • f, g, h represent blocks
  • a through z otherwise represent integers
  • [α], [β] represent lists.
Dec Hex Mnemonic From To Description
10 \x0a new-line κ Push a string containing a newline ([10]) to the stack.
11 \x0b empty-list κ Push an empty list ([]) to the stack.
12 \x0c empty-block κ Push an empty block ({}) to the stack.
13 \x0d space κ Push a string containing a space ([32]) to the stack.
14 \x0e make-array α1 α2 ... αn n [α] Wrap top n elements in an array.
15 \x0f exit Stop program execution.
32 \x20 negate x -x Negate a number.
32 \x20 reverse [α] [α] Reverse a list.
33 \x21 bnot x ~x One's complement.
33 \x21 head [α] α Extract first element from a list.
34 \x22 not α x Return 1 if α is zero or empty. 0 otherwise.
34 \x22 tail [α] [α] Drop the first element from a list.
35 \x23 abs x |x| Absolute value.
35 \x23 init [α] [α] Drop the last element from a list.
36 \x24 digits x [x] Return a list of digits in x, e.g. 123 → [1 2 3]
36 \x24 last [α] α Extract the last element of a list.
37 \x25 random [α] or x α or x' Pick a random element from a list or [0 1 ... x-1].
38 \x26 dec x x-1 Subtract one.
38 \x26 left-uncons [α] [α] α Cut the first element off a list and place it on top of the stack.
39 \x27 inc x x+1 Add one.
39 \x27 right-uncons [α] [α] α Cut the last element off a list and place it on top of the stack.
40 \x28 sign x sgn(x) Signum.
40 \x28 min [α] α Minimum value of list.
41 \x29 thousand x 1000x Multiply by 1000.
41 \x29 max [α] α Maximum value of list.
42 \x2a double x 2x Multiply by 2.
42 \x2a lines [c] [[c]] Split over newlines.
43 \x2b half x x/2 Divide by 2.
43 \x2b unlines [[c]] [c] Join with newlines.
44 \x2c square x x2 Square.
44 \x2c words [c] [[c]] Split over spaces.
45 \x2d sqrt x sqrt(x) Calculate square root (rounded down.)
45 \x2d unwords [[c]] [c] Join by spaces.
46 \x2e range x [x] Push list of [0 1 ... x-1].
46 \x2e length [α] x Push length of list
47 \x2f range1 x [x] Push list of [1 2 ... x].
47 \x2f sort [α] [α] Sort list.
48 \x30 add, + x y x+y Add the top two numbers on the stack.
48 \x30 cat [α] [β] [α β] Concatenate top two lists on stack.
49 \x31 sub, - x y x-y Subtract the top two numbers on the stack.
49 \x31 diff [α] [β] [γ] Collect elements in [α] that are not in [β].
50 \x32 mul, * x y x*y Multiply the top two numbers on the stack.
50 \x32 join [[α]] [β] [γ] Joins the lists in [[α]], splicing [β] between them.
50 \x32 times f n Pops a number, then runs the block on top of the stack that many times.
50 \x32 fold [α] f β Push the first element of [α], then alternate between pushing the next element of the list and running f.
51 \x33 div, / x y x/y Divide the top two numbers on the stack.
51 \x33 group [α] n [[α]] Group [α] into chunks of size n.
51 \x33 split [α] [β] [[α]] Split [α] over occurrences of sublist [β].
51 \x33 each [α] f Alternate between pushing elements of the list (from left to right) and running f.
52 \x34 mod, % x y x mod y Modulo.
52 \x34 step [α] n [α] Take every nth element of [α] (like Python's a[::n].)
52 \x34 clean-split [α] [β] [[α]] Like split but remove empty results.
52 \x34 map [α] f [β] Apply f to each element in the list.
53 \x35 and, & x y x AND y Bitwise AND.
53 \x35 get [α] i α Get the i'th element of a list.
53 \x35 when f p   Run f only if p is true.
53 \x35 filter [α] f [α] Collect elements in [α] for which evaluating f returns a truth value.
54 \x36 or, | x y x OR y Bitwise OR.
54 \x36 unless f p Run f only if p is false. description
55 \x37 xor, ^ x y x XOR y Binary XOR.
55 \x37 concatmap [α] f [β] Equivalent to map empty-list join.
56 \x38 smallest x y min(x,y) Smallest of x and y.
57 \x39 biggest x y max(x,y) Biggest of x and y.
58 \x3a clamp l h x clamp(x,l,h) Clamp x between l and h.
60 \x3c gcd x y gcd(x,y) Greatest common divisor.
60 \x3c take [α] i [α] First i elements.
61 \x3d lcm x y lcm(x,y) Least common multiple.
61 \x3d drop [α] i [α] All but first i elements.
62 \x3e pow x y xy Exponentiation.
62 \x3e index [α] β i Return first index of β in the list (-1 if not found.)
63 \x3f log x y floor(log(x,y)) Floor of logarithm to base y.
63 \x3f member [α] β p Return 1 if β is in the list, else 0.
64 \x40 dup α α Duplicate stack top.
65 \x41 dup2 α α α α Duplicate stack top twice.
66 \x42 swap α β β α Swap top two stack elements.
67 \x43 rot α β γ β γ α Rotate top three stack elements leftwards.
68 \x44 rrot α β γ γ α β Rotate top three stack elements rightwards.
69 \x45 over α β α β α Copy penultimate stack element.
70 \x46 nip α β β Pop penultimate stack element.
71 \x47 tuck α β β α β Copy stack top before penultimate.
72 \x48 2dup α β α β α β Duplicate top two stack elements.
73 \x49 pick αn ... α1 n αn ... α1 αn Copy the n'th stack element counting from the top.
74 \x4a roll αn ... α1 n αn-1 ... α1 αn Move the n'th stack element counting from the top.
75 \x4b get-stack [σ] Push the current stack as a list.
76 \x4c leave-top α β ... ω ω Remove all but the top element from the stack.
80 \x50 printf [c] x or x [c] [c] Format x according to a printf specifier.
81 \x51 lprintf [c] [x] [c] Format [x] according to a printf specifier.
82 \x52 show α [c] Convert to string.
83 \x53 map-show [α] [[c]] Equivalent to m show.
84 \x54 show-lines [α] [c] Equivalent to m show unlines.
85 \x55 show-words [α] [c] Equivalent to m show unwords.
86 \x56 read-num [c] x Find first number (/-?\d+/) in string.
87 \x57 read-nums [c] [x] Find all numbers in string.
88 \x58 show-line α [c] Equivalent to show new-line cat
96 \x60 logical-and α β x Return 1 if both α and β are truthy, else 0.
97 \x61 logical-or α β x Return 1 if both α or β (or both) are truthy, else 0.
98 \x62 divides x y p Return 1 if x is a multiple of y, else 0.
99 \x63 divmod x y q r Return int(x/y) and (x mod y).
100 \x64 sum [x] sum([x]) Sum of list
100 \x64 even x p Is x even?
101 \x65 product [x] product([x]) Product of list
101 \x65 odd x p Is x odd?
102 \x66 fizzbuzz κ Push "1\n2\nFizz\n4\nBuzz..."
103 \x67 popcnt x popcnt(x) Count number of 1 bits in binary repr. of x
104 \x68 base α b β Convert α to/from base b
105 \x69 binary α β 2 base
106 \x6a is-prime x p
107 \x6b nth-prime n p
108 \x6c n-primes n [p]
109 \x6d primes-below n [p]
110 \x6e next-prime n p
111 \x6f totient n p Euler's totient function
112 \x70 lt α β α < β
113 \x71 eq α β α = β
114 \x72 gt α β α > β
115 \x73 ge α β α ≥ β
116 \x74 ne α β α ≠ β
117 \x75 le α β α ≤ β
118 \x76 cmp α β cmp(α,β) -1 if α<β, 0 if α=β, 1 if α>β
119 \x77 sorted [α] b 1 if [α] is sorted, else 0



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