Grocery List

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This language by User:PuzzleHunter84 takes the form of a grocery list. Each food item does a certain function depending on the first letter of the item.

Letter Function
a pops the top two values on the stack, adds them together and pops the result.
b brings the bottom stack value to the top.
c copies the top value of the stack on top of the stack.
d pops the top two values on the stack, divides the second-to-the-top into the top, and pushes the result rounding down if necesssary.
e ends a loop and rechecks the top value.
f flips the top two stack values so the top value becomes the second-to-top value and vice versa.
g pops the top two values, pushes 1 if the top value is greater than the second-to-top value and 0 otherwise.
h pops a value, takes the value mod 26, adds 1, finds the letter of the alphabet in that position, and executes the instruction of that letter.
i inputs a character and pushes it's ASCII value on top of the stack.
j pops the top value and jumps forward that many instructions.
k kills the stack, removing every value.
l opens a loop that runs if the top value is nonzero.
m pops the top two values on the stack, multiplies them together, and pushes the result.
n pushes a number onto the stack equal to the number of letters in this food item.
o pops the top value on the stack and outputs it as a numeral.
p pops the top value and prints it as an ASCII character.
q nop.
r pops the top two values on the stack, divides the second-to-the-top into the top, and pushes the remainder.
s pops the top two values on the stack, subtracts the second-to-the-top from the top, and pushes the result.
t terminates the program immediately.
u unbrings the top value to the bottom.
v take the next list item, does not execute it, and instead pushes the ASCII value of the first letter of the list item.
w pushes 100.
x pops the top value.
y pops the stack item that corresponds to the number of letters in this item.
z pops the top value, and pushes 1 if it is 0 and 0 otherwise.

Each program starts with a title that is the store name and is ignored such as: "Hello World Marketplace". Then there is an empty line before the list. Each item is seperated by a new line.


Cat Program

Cat Groceryplace

ice cream 
imported bisque

This is equivalent to the BF program:



An interpreter in Python 3 that tries to follow the specification above as closely as possible can be found here.

Another in hare can be found here, along with a modified version of the above Python version.