Go back

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Go back is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2020.

Commands Instructions
#[] Infinite Loop/Start.
[] Infinite Loop.
+m Change the current Loop by + m.
-n Change the current Loop by - n.
/o Set the Current loop to o.
^p Go back p Loops.
\q Mod by q to the Current loop.
&r,s Go back r Loops with the Subset s.
! Print the current loop Number into ASCII.
@ Print the number of Times this Specific Loop has been Went into / looped back.
% Set the current Loop number to How many times This Loop Has Been Went Into / Looped back.
= If the current loop Number is 0, Go to the nearest Next loop.
? Ignore all Commands until ? Is used again or In An Infinite loop.
i Set the Current loop to The Input.
~ The Best Descriptor of This Command is A Quasi-? Command.

Cat program:


"Hello, World!" Program:


Truth-machine Program:


