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Functionality is an esoteric programming language written by User:Dominicentek with the goal being having the most functionality as possible.


Variable Management
Instruction Syntax Description
var <varname> <value> Creates a new variable (if not created) and sets a value to it
del <varname> Removes a variable
tonum <varname> Converts a string to a number
tostr <varname> Converts a number to a string
Control Flow
Instruction Syntax Description
if <value> <operator> <value> Executes a code block if the condition is met
else If an IF statement fails, it executes this code block instead
loop <value> Loops code block n times
function <function name> Creates a new function
call <function name> Calls a function
while <value> <operator> <value> Loops code block if the condition is met
exit Exits the program
Console IO
Instruction Syntax Description
output <value> Outputs value to a console
input <varname> Stores console input to a variable
Graphical Output
Instruction Syntax Description
initializegfx <width> <height> Initializes graphical output
closegfx Closes graphical output
drawarc <x> <y> <width> <height> <start angle> <arc angle> [thickness] Draws an arc
drawstring <x> <y> <value> [fontname] [fontsize] Draws a string/number
drawline <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [thickness] Draws a line
drawoval <x> <y> <width> <height> [thickness] Draws an oval
drawrect <x> <y> <width> <height> [thickness] Draws a rectangle
drawroundrect <x> <y> <width> <height> <roundness> [thickness] Draws a round rectangle
fillarc <x> <y> <width> <height> <start angle> <arc angle> Fills an arc
filloval <x> <y> <width> <height> Fills an oval
fillrect <x> <y> <width> <height> Fills an rectangle
fillroundrect <x> <y> <width> <height> <roundness> Fills a round rectangle
setbg <r> <g> <b> Sets background color
setfg <r> <g> <b> [a] Sets foreground color
String Management (these all begin with string instruction)
Instruction Syntax Description
substring <varname> <value> <begin> <end> Gets a substring of a value and stores it to a variable
charat <varname> <value> <index> Gets the character at an index of a value and stores it to a variable
length <varname> <value> Stores length of a value into a variable
insert <varname> <value> <index> <insertion> Inserts a string into another string to an index and stores it to a variable
replace <varname> <value> <index> <char> Replaces a character in a string and stores it to a variable
combine <varname> <value> <value> Combines two values together as a string and stores it to a variable
remove <varname> <value> <begin> <end> Removes a section of a string and stores it into a variable
indexof <varname> <value> <char> Stores the index of a character in a string to a variable
tocode <varname> <char> Converts a char into an ASCII code and stores it to a variable
fromcode <varname> <value> Converts a number to a char based on its ASCII code and stores it to a variable
Array Management (these all begin with array instruction)
Instruction Syntax Description
create <array> [capacity] Creates a new array
delete <array> Deletes an array
subarray <dest> <source> <begin> <end> Gets a subarray of an array
get <array> <varname> <index> Stores a value from an array into a variable
set <array> <value> <index> Stores a value from a variable into an array
length <array> <varname> Stores the length of an array into a variable
insert <array> <value> <index> Adds a value into an array at specific index
add <array> <value> Adds a value to an array
remove <array> <index> Removes an element at an index
indexof <array> <varname> <value> Stores an index of an element to a variable
Filesystem IO
Instruction Syntax Description
fscreatefile <path> Creates a new file
fscreatedir <path> Creates a new directory
fsdelete <path> Removes a file/directory
fscopy <source> <dest folder> Copies a file/directory
fsmove <source> <destination> Moves a file/directory
fsread <varname> <path> Reads from a file and stores it into a variable
fswrite <path> <value> Writes a string into a file

Values support:

  • Math expressions (cannot contain space)
  • x+y Addition
  • x-y Subtraction
  • x*y Multiplication
  • x/y Division
  • x%y Modulo
  • x^y Power
  • x&y Bitwise AND
  • x|y Bitwise OR
  • x~y Bitwise XOR
  • ~x Bitwise REVERSE
  • !x Bitwise NOT
  • x<y Bitshift to left
  • x>y Bitshift to right
  • Brackets are also supported
  • Number constants
  • Variables (getting values from them)
  • String constants (have to be in "")

Comparsion operators can be:

  • == Equal to
  • != Not equal to
  • < Less than
  • > Greater than
  • <= Less than or equal to
  • >= Greater than or equal to


  • Code blocks are opened with [ and closed with ]
  • Numbers are 64-bit signed integers
  • If a string or array indexof fails, it stores a -1


Hello World

output "Hello, World"

Truth Machine

input inp
tonum inp
if inp == 0 [
  output 0
else [
  while 0 == 0 [
    output 1

Brainfuck Interpreter

This proves that this programming language is Turing complete

input code
string length len code
var index 0
array create cells 256
var pointer 0
while index < len [
  string charat char code index
  if char == "<" [
    var pointer pointer-1
    if pointer == -1 [
      var pointer pointer+1
  if char == ">" [
    var pointer pointer+1
    if pointer == 256 [
      var pointer pointer-1
  if char == "+" [
    array get cells value pointer
    var value value+1
    if value == 256 [
      var value value-1
    array set cells value pointer
  if char == "-" [
    array get cells value pointer
    var value value-1
    if value == -1 [
      var value value+1
    array set cells value pointer
  if char == "." [
    array get cells value pointer
    string fromcode value value
    output value
  if char == "," [
    input charinput
    if charinput == "" [
      var value 10
    else [
      string charat charinput character 0
      string tocode value character
    array set cells value pointer
  if char == "[" [
    array get cells value pointer
    if value == 0 [
      var i index
      var layer 0
      while i < len [
        string charat code character i
        if code == "[" [
          var layer layer+1
        if code == "]" [
          var layer layer-1
        if layer == -1 [
          var index i
        var i i+1
  if char == "]" [
    array get cells value pointer
    if value != 0 [
      var i index
      var layer 0
      while i >= len [
        string charat code character i
        if code == "]" [
          var layer layer+1
        if code == "[" [
          var layer layer-1
        if layer == -1 [
          var index i
        var i i-1
  var index index+1


  • Cancelled

"Maybe one day I will make interpreter for it." Dominicentek (talk) 20:11, 22 August 2021 (UTC)