Fumble is a self modifying stack based esolang designed by Moon_
The name of something is put inside the brackets i.e {func:pu-1}, data for a function are put in square brackets. Function data is formatted as follows: [args:< var names >]. Arguments cannot be modified. Arguments are given to a function unenclosed, separated by -'s, like so: func-"foo"-bar-1-*baz (that demos all argument types). It uses classic C escape codes. Fumble uses the ! character to express a negative literal
Fumble's comment system uses %* to start a comment and *% to end one.
Return data is best put into its own personal variable or pushed to the stack. () brackets are used to make a new scope inside code, they are useful for local variables defined using [].
Fumble's stack has no size limit, making Fumble potentially turing complete.
Fumble supports threading, and each thread has its own stack to work with. A thread can be started using 'async{%* Code goes here *%}', which pushes the thread id to the stack. Fumble interpreters should associate a simpe value with the real thread id, the main thread always having the value of 1. Fumble can preform operations on other threads besides ending them and pausing them, it can force jumping to other parts of the code and push data to the thread's stack.
Fumble can manipulate other functions in its code using a set of instructions, this is done by a function that contains a 'wrapped' version of the function, functions can also manipulate themselves. Functions are wrapped using [{}] bracket sets, like so: [{function}]. The function can be manipulated based on its wrapped name (<function name>w) to insert, remove, and modify its lines.
Fumble has a pointer system to allow variables to point to another variable.
Commands and operations
pu: push[args:a] pushes
po: pop[args:*a] pops
add: add[args:a,b] pushes number
sub: sub[args:a,b] pushes number
div: div[args:a,b] pushes number
mult: mult[args:a,b] pushes number
inc: inc[args:*a] increments
dec: dec[args:*a] decrements
cmp: cmp[args:a,b] pushes number 0-2, 0 means less than, 1 means equal, and 2 means greater than
set: set[args:*a,b] sets something to a value
print: print[args:a] prints
strin: strin[args:*a,strmaxsize] gets a string
charin: charin[args:*a] gets a char
stackout: stackout[args:a] prints out n values from the stack
al: al[args:wrappedfunction,a,location] Adds a line to a function at the specified location
rml: rml[args:wrappedfunction,a,location] Removes a line from a function
Flow control
for-<initialization>-<condition>-<operation>(< code >)
while-<condition>(< code >)
if-< condition >(< code >)
until-< condition >(< code >)continues until a condition is met.
unless-< condition >(< code >)Preforms code and ends the function/program unless a condition is met
continueuntil-< condition >(< code >) allows the code to continue until a condition is met, once met, it preforms the code and once the code is done jumps back to the instruction it triggered on.
Example programs
{main[]: print-"Hello, World!" }
{main[args:num]: print-num print-"'s factorial is" [tmp,tmp2,tmp3,sum] until-{cmp-tmp2-1}( set[tmp,num] dec-tmp2 mult-tmp2-num po-tmp3 set-sum-tmp3 set-tmp-tmp2 ) print-sum } %*This is untested (of course) and may not work*%
Pretending decimal numbers exist
{main[]: [nump1,nump2,dat,a] %* nump1 is the whole number and nump2 is the decimal set-dat-100 %* 10^n, n being how many decimal places you want. *% until-{cmp-nump2-dat pu-a add-a-1}( sub-nump2-dat add-nump1-1 ) }