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Fsx is a esolang made by User:SerialDesignationF based on murder drones despite having no other relations than the letters J, N, and V. There's only 8 characters


Command Name Behavior Syntax
fj If Runs the code inside the () if the condition resulted in true fj Condition (Code)
fn Else Runs the code inside the () if the corresponding if condition did not run it's code fn (Code)
fv While Repeatedly runs the code inside the () while the condition results in true fv Condition (Code)
j Input Read's a single character from the terminal and returns that j
sf Add Adds the left and right equation/numbers equation/number sf equation/number
sj Multiply Multiples the left and right equation/numbers equation/number sj equation/number
sn Divide Divides the left equation/numbers by the right equation/numbers equation/number sn equation/number
ss Subtract Subtracts the right equation/numbers from the left equation/numbers equation/number ss equation/number
sv Mod Remainder of when you divide the left equation/numbers by the right equation/numbers equation/number sv equation/number
sx Equal/Set to Compares the left equation/numbers to the right equation/numbers and returns 1 if they're equal, Else returns 0, Or it will assign a value to a variable, Which one it does is base on the context equation/numbers sx equation/numbers

vName sx equation/numbers

s( Less Compares the left equation/numbers to the right equation/numbers and returns 1 if the left one is less than the right one, Else returns 0 equation/numbers s( equation/numbers
s) Greater Compares the left equation/numbers to the right equation/numbers and returns 1 if the left one is greater than the right one, Else returns 0 equation/numbers s) equation/numbers
snx Not equal Compares the left equation/numbers to the right equation/numbers and returns 1 if they're not equal, Else returns 0 equation/numbers snx equation/numbers
xn Number output Outputs a number to the terminal xn equation/number
xf Text output Outputs a character via it's ASCII code to the terminal xf equation/number
n Number Immediate number nNumber
v Variable Variable definition vName

Immediate number and variable naming system

Numbers and variables names in Fsx are written in base 6 with the characters f, j, n, s, v, and x.

Here's a table for your sake:

Base 10 Fsx
0 f
1 j
2 n
3 s
4 v
5 x
6 jf
7 jj
8 jn
9 js
10 jv
... ...


Truth machine:

vf sx j 
fj vf sx nf (
  xn vf
fn (
    fv vf sx nj (
       xn vf


User:Robotosaurus6502 Helped with this esolang a little and fully remade the page to make it more clear]