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Fromage is an esoteric programming language with ten instructions, all of which operate only on single bits. The name comes from FReakish Outright Mad languAGE.


This C implementation, originally titled fromage.c, was taken from, the website with the backup of Fromage. It is likely this is a valid implementation, but it's also good to check if this isn't the case.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main(int g,char**h){int c;char*i,j,*b;FILE*w;ptrdiff_t a,d,e,f,k,l,o,p,s,t,u


The ten operator symbols are:

Symbol Description
parentheses SKIP always
braces LOOP forever
brackets semicolons IF this bit ELSE
less greater signs DECREMENT INCREMENT pointer
colons TOGGLE bit

The Pointer points to a single bit. Storing in bit eight writes a character from bits zero to seven. Storing in bit nine reads a character in bits zero to seven.


These examples are to see how the language is and could contain errors

Hello, world!


Cat program


See also

External resources