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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually
Fe –
Fe –
or ((line feed) Fe                  – (line feed)) is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2020.

The One True purpose Of this esolang is to not have An Interpreter.

Commands Instructions
< Can only pass dots that go in the Leftwards directions, Else mirror the direction when hit.
> Can only pass dots that go in the rightwards directions, Else mirror the direction when hit.
^ Can only pass dots that go in the upwards directions, Else mirror the direction when hit.
v Can only pass dots that go in the downwards directions, Else mirror the direction when hit.
Allows a passage of a Dot from left & Right.
Allows a Passage of a Dot from A place below & A place coming from Above.
+ Allows all Directions.
/ If from above, it Goes Left +1 to that dot, If its From The right, goes Up, -1 On this Dot.
\ The reverse of /, If The dot is from Above, It goes to the right, If it's From the Left, It will Go upwards.
X Both the \ & / Combined, Except the Consequences of /.
Go Upwards If the dot is coming from Downwards and Equal to 0, if not 0, Go leftwards, If not down but 0, Right, if Not down and Not 0, down.
This will Print the current Dot's number.
q If Two Dot meet At this same spot At the Same time, Both will be subtracted by 1 if Possible.
1-9 Stand still for 1-9 "Steps".
0 Ends the Program.
Create A dot.
Delete A dot, This Command is effectively Useless.
Sets the next dot that Interacts with this Command into The Input.
This will Duplicate the Dot Perpendicular to the original Dot's Direction, 50% 90 degrees to the right, 50% 90 Degrees To The Left.
Prints The Dot's number Into ASCII.
. The dot will stop for 10 "Steps" then Ignore the Next Instruction, And treat it as +.
Set the Dot to 1.

Cat program:


Truth-machine Program:
