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Falsish: a FALSE variant inspired by fish ><>
Falsish is a superset of FALSE with the following major changes (among numerous others):
- Input and output flushing is automatic.
- Assembly functionality is omitted.
- The '`' (back quote) character instead enables an alternate function of the following character.
- ',' in addition to printing a number as a character, will also print a variable name, string, or lambda function.
- Lowercase letters are local variables, specific to a data stack.
- Uppercase letters are global variables.
- You create a new stack by using 'N(', where N is the number of items from the current stack to populate onto the new stack. This becomes the current stack.
- Each stack has its own local variables. Creating a new stack copies the initial elements into variables a, b, c..., with 'a' being the lowest stack element.
- You delete the current stack (and local variables) by using ')', which moves the remaining items onto the lower stack.
- '®' reverses the current stack, effectively making it a deque.
- '¶' breaks out of the most recent while loop.
- '<name' is a named variable. Name must begin with a letter. Uppercase = global, lowercase = local. If the name ends with '!', it executes.
- Useful (sort of) error messages are introduced.
Note that, with the exception of the ` assembly command, existing FALSE programs will run in Falsish.
Falsish was created and implemented in Python by McChuck (talk)
This list of commands for Falsish is mostly copied directly from FALSE. Falsish is a superset of FALSE, so FALSE programs will mostly run correctly, except for the lack of 68k assembly programming.
- `Enable an alternate function for the following character.
- `whitespace Break from the current lambda function quotation. Halt if already running at the base level.
- `` Halt the program.
- 123 push an integer onto the stack
- `1.23 push a float onto the stack
- 'c push the character code for c onto the stack
- $ DUP (A -> AA)
- % DROP (A -> )
- \ SWAP (AB -> BA)
- @ ROT (ABC -> BCA)
- ø PICK dup the Nth item, where 0 is the top of stack (ABC2 -> ABCA)
- © PUT (ABCD2 -> ADBC)
- ™ ROLL (ABCD2 -> ACDB)
- £ OVER (ABC -> ABCB)
- ® Reverse the stack (note that this effectively turns the stack into a sort of deque) ABCD -> DCBA
- `® Reverse a string. Numbers are unaffected.
- ( Create a new stack and local variable array, populating it with the top N elements from the previous stack. It also copies the new stack elements into local variables, with the lowest being stored in a.
- ) Drop the top stack and local variables, move the stack contents to the next lower stack.
- ‡ Clear the current stack.
- `‡ Print the current stack on its own line.
- § Push the current stack depth onto the stack.
- `§ Push the string length of the top element onto the stack. Numbers have length 0.
Arithmetic and logic
- + Addition
- - Subtraction ex: 2 1 - --> 1
- * Multiplication
- / Integer division ex: 3 2 / --> 1
- `/ Float division
- _ Negate (negative numbers are entered "123_")
Comparison and logic
False is 0. True is anything else, specifically -1 so bitwise operators can be used.
- > Greater than (numbers and strings) ex: 3 5 > --> 0
- >~ Less than ex: 3 5 >~ --> -1
- = Equal (numbers and strings) ex: 2 2 = --> -1
- =~ Not equal ex: 2 2 =~ --> 0
- & Bitwise AND (integers only) ex: 0 1 & --> 0
- | Bitwise OR (integers only) ex: 0 1 | --> 1
- ~ Bitwise NOT (integers only) ex: 0 ~ --> -1
Lambda function quotes and flow control
- [...] Define and put a lambda function (quotation) onto the stack.
- `[ Convert the top element into a lambda quote.
- `] Convert the top lambda into a string.
- ! Execute lambda function quote.
- ? IF conditional ex: Boolean [true]?
- If Boolean is true (non-zero), execute [true lambda]
- IF-ELSE can be expressed as: Boolean $[true]?~[false]?
- ¿ IF-ELSE conditional: Boolean [true lambda][false lambda]¿
- # WHILE loop ex: [condition][body]#
- while [condition lambda] evaluates as true (non-zero), execute [body lambda].
- ¶ Break from most recent while loop (but not the current lambda function).
- `whitespace Break from the current lambda function. Halt if at the lowest level.
- `` Halt the program.
- a-z Push a reference to one of the 26 available local variables onto the stack.
- A-Z Push a reference to one of the 26 available global variables onto the stack.
- : Store into a variable.
- ; Fetch from a variable.
- < Named variable. First character must be a letter. Lowercase = local, uppercase = global.
- Creation: value <"name" or [lambda] <"Name"
- MUST end in whitespace!
- Use: <name pushes the name onto the stack, so you can then use ; or : as normal.
- Auto-execute: If name ends in '!', it will automatically execute when called instead of pushing its name onto the stack.
- Creation: value <"name" or [lambda] <"Name"
- ^ Read a character, push its value onto the stack.
- `^ Input a string.
- , Write a character, variable name, or lambda function.
- . Write top of stack as a number.
- "string" Write a string (may contain embedded newlines).
- `"string" Push a string onto the stack.
- ß Flush buffered input/output (not needed, but implemented).
- `ß Convert all numbers represented as strings on the stack into actual numbers.
- {...} Comment, not nestable
- `{ Unpack a string onto the stack as its component characters, with its length at the top of stack.
- `} Pack the top N stack elements into a string.
- Whitespace is ignored, and may be needed to separate consecutive integers
- `Whitespace is a break.
Example programs
{Factorial} [$1=~[$1-f;!*]?]f: 5$f;! \"Factorial of "." is: ".10,
{Alternating reverse} 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 1+$(n:[n;1-$n:0>][.32,®]#‡).10, {output: "10 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 0\n"}
{autoexec variable} ["Good morning, sunshine! The earth says 'Hello!'"] <"salutation!" <salutation!