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ExtendedFuck (shorthand bf4h) is a brainfuck derivative by User:TeslaX93 designed in February 2024. It adds some useful commands to Brainfuck.


Current instruction set

Instruction Description
< Move the pointer left
> Move the pointer right
+ Increment the value of the current cell
- Decrement the value of the current cell
. Output the ASCII value of the current cell
, Input character and stores it to the current cell
[ Jump if zero (begin loop)
] Jump unless zero (end loop)
^ Clears current cell value (sets to zero)
? Puts random value (0-255) in current cell
: Output the numerical value of current cell
_ Open file named customNNN.txt (where NNN is a number 000-255) located in the same folder as script and print it
= Open file named customNNN.exf (where NNN is a number 000-255) located in the same folder as script and run it
/ Copy current cell value on a stack.
\ Removes cell from top of the stack and puts it in current cell



Displays "2024".
