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The Euclid programming language is a stack-based / tape-based / befunge-like language created by User:TARDIInsanity. The program remembers which of a fixed set of states (spijmg) it is in, and as it comes across any instruction symbol, it performs some action based on the combination of state and symbol. s - perform operations on the stack p, i, j - perform operations on the program pointer, which always points to cells in the 2d program array. i - (on finding an instruction) pop a value off the stack. if it is zero, ignore the instruction. unconditionally change state to p. j - (on finding an instruction) perform the operation. change state to i. m - perform operations on the memory array, which is a 1-dimensional finite tape initialized to all zeroes. Some memory instructions interact with the stack (mainly ^ which pushes the current cell and v which pops and writes from the stack) g - perform an alGebraic operation on values from the stack. nearly all possible instructions pop two values from the stack, and most push one result value back. The instruction / represents divmod, with the following additional constraint: divmod(x, 0) = (0, x). any of the ten digits 0-9 and the first six letters a-f (hexadecimal) are instructions. the symbols ? = < > ^ v / ` | - x + are also instructions. every instruction has a defined behavior for every mode. the ` character is allowed as a substitute for the backslash character. The creator's implementation of this language can be found here Further documentation about the program's behavior is defined in the doc file. Usage notes for the implementation can be found in the readme file.

A simple truth machine implemented in Euclid:


A simple "hello, world!" program:


Non-category features to note: -Imperative paradigm -Deterministic -Not quantum, concurrent, reversible, or self-modifying. -Has console IO -Not in the list of known derivatives (partially derivative of befunge) -Text-based code input -Unsure about the theme or lack of a theme