EmojiLang in Chinese
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In order to make it easier for some programmers to program, I designed this programming language. (That's what I've always done!)
EmojiLang in Chinese (Elic([elɪkʰ]) for short) is based on Mihai Popa's Emojilang.
Command Table
Emoji | Meaning |
出文Something文 | Prints a text string |
出Variable | Prints a variable |
入Variable | Asks for user input |
5加5到Variable | Adds two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...) |
5减5到Variable | Subtracts two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...) |
5乘5到Variable | Multiplies two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...) |
5除5到Variable | Divides two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...) (it only retains quotients, not remainders) |
5剩5到Variable | Divides two numbers and stores the remainders in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...) |
倘Truth为5 | If expression |
否倘Truth为5 | Else If |
否 | Else |
环Truth为5 | While loop |
终环 | Stop while loop |
轮 | Start loop |
终轮 | Stop loop |
Variable为Type亦Value | Declare a variable |
置Variable为Value | Sets a variable to a value |
注This is a comment, any text goes here | Marks a single line comment |
More Syntax
Multi-line comment
大释 故今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。 少年智则国智,少年富则国富; 少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立; 少年自由则国自由;少年进步则国进步; 少年胜于欧洲,则国胜于欧洲; 少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球。 红日初升,其道大光。 河出伏流,一泻汪洋。 潜龙腾渊,鳞爪飞扬。 乳虎啸谷,百兽震惶。 鹰隼试翼,风尘翕张。 奇花初胎,矞矞皇皇。 干将发硎,有作其芒。 天戴其苍,地履其黄。 纵有千古,横有八荒。 前途似海,来日方长。 美哉我少年中国,与天不老! 壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆! 释终
Once a constant is defined, its value can NEVER be modified.
Hello, world!
Cat Program
Cat为String亦NULL 入Cat 出Cat
Truth Machine
X为Boolean亦NULL 入X 倘Truth为(非X) 出0 否 环Truth为(1) 出1 终环