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Eans, is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2021.

Commands Instructions
@ Start point, will Randomly Choose a Direction.
$ End point.
^ Point upwards.
v Point Downwards.
< Point leftwards.
> Point where Right is.
# Point backwards, not up nor down or the sides.
O Point the Opposite direction of #.
* Spew Out An Output in ASCII.
? Receive an input.
| Change to a Plane above, not in the Code just from Examination.
! Go Forwards If Equals to 0, else Backwards.
/ Store the current number in the current Plane.
\ Export the number stored by the current plane.
+ +1.
- -1.

Cat program:

   | O | v
 O |O@O|>>>?*
   | O | ^

Truth-machine Program:

>+v>v>v>v>v>v| O   >+++++++++++++++++++v| v   |#++++++<
 O+++++++++++|O@O >++++++++++++++v     +|>>>?!|v+++<  +
  ++++++++++*| O   ^+++++++++++++< >*<+<| ^   |>++++++^
  ++++++++++O|                          |     |
  >^>^>^>^>^ |                          |     |

A+B Problem:

   O    <| O O\-O| v>! >\+#|   v
 O       |O@O/ v |>>>?/#   |
         | O ^?< | ^ >\O   |   # >*><