Designed by | Lim95 |
Appeared in | 2022 |
Memory system | Cell-based |
Dimensions | One-dimensional |
Computational class | Turing complete |
Major implementations | Original (Python), IDE (Created by Vivax), Flask (Created by me) |
File extension(s) | .txt , .dbl |

Double is an esolang created by Lim95 on July 5th, 2022. It was programmed over the course of two hours on a livestream. Double's main feature is that each instruction must be two characters long. Comments are marked with a couble forward slashes (//)
To run a program, either use "python3 -r [code]" or "python3 -f [filename]".
Command | Token | What it does | Version introduced | Arguments |
PV | 0 | Prints the value of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
PC | 1 | Prints the character of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
SX | 2 | Sets the X coordinate of the current cell. | 1.0 | Value |
SY | 3 | Sets the Y coordinate of the current cell. | 1.0 | Value |
IX | 4 | Increments the X coordinate of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
IY | 5 | Increments the Y coordinate of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
DX | 6 | Decrements the X coordinate of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
DY | 7 | Decrements the Y coordinate of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
SV | 8 | Sets the value of the current cell. | 1.0 | Value |
IV | 9 | Increments the value of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
DV | 10 | Decrements the value of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
RS | 11 | Restarts the program (sets the pointer to 0) | 1.0 | None |
CR | 12 | Restarts the program if the value provided is not equal to the value of the current cell. (BNE) | 1.0 | Condition |
GC | 13 | Get the character ID of a character the user types in. If there's an error, return 255. | 1.0 | None |
GV | 14 | Get the value of a hexadecimal number the user types in. | 1.0 | None |
XV | 15 | Set the value of the current cell to the X coordinate. | 1.0 | None |
YV | 16 | Set the value of the current cell to the Y coordinate. | 1.0 | None |
JM | 17 | Jump to a specified location. | 1.0 | Address |
CJ | 18 | Jump to a specified location if the first value is not equal to the value of the current cell. | 1.0 | Condition, Address |
** | 19 | Replaces any value with the value of the current cell. | 1.0 | None |
JF | 20 | Jumps forward the specified amount of instructions. | 1.1 | Address |
JB | 21 | Jumps backward the specified amount of instructions. | 1.1 | Address |
CF | 22 | Jumps forward if the condition is not the current cell's value. | 1.1 | Condition, Address |
CB | 23 | Same as CF, but with backwards. | 1.1 | Address |
GS | 24 | Get a string and store it across the X axis. | 1.2 (Changed 1.6) | None |
JR | 25 | Jumps to a subroutine and pushes the pointer on to the stack. | 1.3 | Address |
RR | 26 | Returns from a subroutine. | 1.3 | None |
RC | 27 | Jumps to a subroutine conditionally. | 1.3 | Condition, Address |
BC | 28 | Returns from a subroutine conditionally. | 1.3 | Condition |
RN | 29 | Generates a random 8-bit integer (0 - 255) and stores it into the current cell. | 1.4 (Changed 1.5) | None |
DB | 31 | It's a data block. End it with a 0xFF (255) byte. | 1.6 | Any amount, end with 0xFF (255) |
PS | 32 | Prints a string in memory across the X axis. | 1.6 | None |
+C | 33 | Add the value of the current cell to the Accumulator. | 1.6 | None |
-C | 34 | Subtract the value of the current cell from the Accumulator. | 1.6 | None |
IC | 35 | Increment the value of the Accumulator. | 1.6 | None |
DC | 36 | Decrement the value of the Accumulator. | 1.6 | None |
SA | 37 | Set the value of the Accumulator. | 1.6 | Value |
AV | 38 | Get the value of the Accumulator. | 1.6 | None |
PH | 39 | Push the value of the current cell onto the Stack. | 1.6 | None |
PL | 40 | Pull the top value of the Stack into the current cell. | 1.6 | None |
Example Programs
Note: All programs are written for the JavaScript interpreter. Compatibility may vary based on the interpreter.
Hello, World!
."Hello, world!"
Hello Interpreter
GC CR #H ."Hello, World!"
Adder (created by vivax3794)
Cat Program
99 Bottles of Beer
SV 03 SONG: PV SX 01 ."bottles of beer on the wall," SV 0A PC SX 00 PV SX 01 ."bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around," SV 0A PC SX 00 DV PV SX 01 ."bottles of beer on the wall!" SV 0A PC SX 00 CJ 00 SONG SX 01 ."No more bottles of beer on the wall!"
Brainfuck interpreter (created by vivax3794)
IX SV FF IY GS IY SV FF SY 00 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 SV 00 IX SV FF DX IY CF FF 05 JM XX CF 3E 12 SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 SV 00 IX SV FF JM 08 CF 3C 12 SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 SV 00 DX SV FF JM 08 CF 2B 0F SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 IY IV JM 08 CF 2D 0F SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 IY DV JM 08 CF 2C 0F SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 IY GC JM 08 CF 2E 0F SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 IY PC JM 08 CF 5B 3B SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 IY CJ 00 08 SY 00 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 SV 00 DX SV 01 IY DY DV IX IV DX CB 00 04 IX IY CF 5B 07 DY IV JB 0E CB 5D 11 DY DV CB 00 15 IX SV FF JM 08 CF 5D 3B SY 02 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 IY CF 00 05 JM 08 SY 00 SX 00 IX CB FF 01 SV 00 DX SV 01 IY DY DV DX IV IX CB 00 04 DX IY CF 5D 07 DY IV JB 0E CB 5B 11 DY DV CB 00 15 IX SV FF JM 08
Adder (by Lim95)
Cat Program (1.6 Version)
Old IV PC RS (1.6)
IV PC CR 255 SV 0 RS
dbpk is the Double Package Manager. Use the terminal to run python3/py dbpk search *
to see all packages, and install something with install [name]
In the 1.5 update of Double, a visual add-on was released. In update 2.0, dbpk was introduced. To install the new graphics engine, type python3/py dbpk install graphics
A simple program to test it is: