Domino Crisis

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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually .

I don't have enough figure, so I can only made by textual.

Domino Crisis is a NON-TEXTUAL Esolang based on Dominoes.

It may be difficult to understand, but you can write a program as long as you follow the text program.


I.E., you have a lot of stuff around you that you can program.


The Red domino is output. You need a sticky note to show the comment and format.

The Blue domino is define variables. You need a LEGO(any color) to define a variable(The premise is that you have enough variable identifiers). You may also need a sticky note, too(to show its type (and value)).

The White domino is input. You need a LEGO and a sticky note to show format and comment.

The Light Blue domino is assignment. You need a LEGO(any color if it is defined) to assignment a variable(The premise is that you have enough same variable identifiers). You may also need a sticky note, too(to show its type and value).

The Orange is binary operator. You need purple to show its type.

Binary operators
The number of purples Code
1 +
2 -
3 *
4 /
5 ==
6 >
7 <
8 >=
9 <=
10 !=
11 &&
12 ||

The Dark Green is !(with black reversi piece) or ~(with white reversi piece).

There are three special variables: Brown(True), Pink(False) and Black(User input).

You can use these script to get while-cycle. (Use white domino, Vertical bar is Vertically domino, Minus is Horizontally domino.)

 -----Conditional expression------ 
|       cycled script             |

You can use these script to get for-cycle. (Use red domino, Capital I is Vertically domino, Underline is Horizontally domino.)

 _____Control variable initialization expression__________ 
I              (for-cycle script)                         I
 _____Conditional expression___Incremental expressions____ 

You can use these script to get if-block. (Use white domino, Vertical bar is Vertically domino, Minus is Horizontally domino.)

   Conditional expression
|                            |
[First block]   [Second block]

Or these.

 |     |     |              |
[1]   [2]   [3]   [...]    [n]
# Every branch needs a expression.

There are a lot of syntax, here are just a few of them.


Hello, world

["Hello, world!"]


Blue (White)(Red)(Blue)[int]

White    White
[(Red)]  [(Blue)]

Light Blue (White)--[(Red) Orange{1 purple} (Blue)]


99 bottles of beers

 __________________________________<Blue (Y-Green)[int, 99]>_________________________________________ 
I<Maroon ["%d bottles of beers on the wall, \n", (Y-Green)]>                                         I
I<Maroon ["%d bottles of beers. \n", (Y-Green)]>                                                     I
I<Red ["Take 1 down, pass it around, \n"]>                                                           I
I<Maroon ["%d bottles of beers on the wall. \n", ((Y-Green) Orange{2 Purple} [1])]>                  I
 _____<(Y-Green) Orange{6 Purple} [0]>___<Light Blue (Y-Green)--[(Y-Green) Orange{2 Purple} [1]]>____ 
Red ["No more bottles of the beers on the wall, \nNo more bottles of the beers.\n"]
Red ["Go to the store and buy some more, \n99 bottles of the beers on the wall."]