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This is a esolang that uses 2d syntax, plus orthogonal directions

The but

every direction command when you step on it it gets deleted


<>^v: direction commands
I: get input and push it to stack
?: pops from stack and if that is 0 turn left >0 turn right, also doesnt disappear
O: pops from stack and outputs it
D: duplicate top of stack
+: add top two
-: sub top two in b-a where a is top
*: mult top two
/: div top two in b/a where a is top
1: add one to stack
0: add zero to stack
S: make it so if next command will disappear, make it not
N: make it so if next command wont disappear, make it
E: stop program

321 program

111++SvS      <
     v?DO1-Sv S
     E      S  