Dig 2

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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.


Ima just go along with whatever I want for Dig 2, and steal from Dig.

commands stolen from Dig

Command What it does
^ Points Mole up
> Points Mole right
' Points Mole down
< Points Mole left
# Rotates Mole to left when value beside it is 0, and right when 1. When it’s neither of those, keep straight.
$ Mole “digs” to the 3rd dimension, keeping its direction until it has moved the amount of tiles beside the $
@ Halt


Alpha-numericals and .,!? When Mole passes over, memory is overwritten with value
% Overrides current value with space when 0, and newline when 1
= Overrides current value with a single character from user
~ Overrides current value with a single integer from user
: Outputs Value in memory then, replaces it with 0
+ Overrides current value with itself plus the number besides the +
- Overrides current value with itself minus the number besides the -
* Overrides current value with itself times the number besides the *
/ Overrides current value with itself divided by the number besides the /
; When Mole passes over, the “;” is given the Moles current value