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Not to be confused with Deadfish.

Deadfih is an esolang based on Deadfish.


It's just Deadfish without the S instruction, so:

Caption text
instruction meaning
i Increment
d Decrement
o Output as character

It follows the deadfish acc==-1 || acc==256 tradition.


print 'A':


See also


The following interpreter has been implemented in the programming language Common Lisp:

(defun interpret-Deadfih ()
  "Launches the Deadfih interpreter, which perpetually queries the
   standard input for a line of code, evaluates the same, and repeats
   the process, returning in the case of an abortion no value."
  (let ((accumulator 0))
    (declare (type integer accumulator))
    (loop do
      (format T "~&>> ")
      (let ((user-input (read-line)))
        (declare (type string user-input))
        (loop for token of-type character across user-input do
          (case token
            (#\i       (incf accumulator 1))
            (#\d       (decf accumulator 1))
            (#\o       (format T "~c" (code-char accumulator)))
            (otherwise (format T "~%")))
          (when (or (= accumulator -1) (= accumulator 256))
            (setf accumulator 0))))))