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Counting is a language invented by User:A whose control flow only contains when blocks.


The only mutable values is the instruction count and the accumulator. The instruction count increments after every executed when block (skipped blocks aren't counted) and starts at 0. It cannot be assigned. (The counter is incremented every time before the execution of the when block.)

The accumulator, initialized at 0, can only be added by the (potentially processed) instruction count. The accumulator cannot be subtracted or assigned by the instruction count, and so on.

Even if none of the conditions are fullfilled, the language continues to execute without stopping, as well as incrementing the counter by 1. You can use halt to stop the program.

The following piece of pseudocode shall elucidate the process with a more formal diction:

instructionCount ← 0      { "cnt" variable, or counter. }
accumulator      ← 0      { "acc" variable. }

repeat do
  hasMatchedNoWhenBlock ← true
  for whenBlock in whenBlocks do
    if predicate(whenBlock) is satisfied then
      execute actions(whenBlock)
      instructionCount      ← instructionCount + 1
      hasMatchedNoWhenBlock ← false
    end if
  end for
  if hasMatchedNoWhenBlock then
    instructionCount ← instructionCount + 1
  end if
end repeat

Data Types

Three species of objects are capable of distinguishment: Boolean values, integers, and strings.

The Boolean category participates in an indirect manner only, yielded by the application of relational operators, and restricted in the perimeter of its influence to the when block predicate.

Integers occupy the highest echolon in terms of significance, with their presence ubiquitous in all aspects of the language. Generally permitted to inhabit an unbounded signed range, the case of the instruction count assumes only values from the non-negative axis.

Strings, demarcated by double quotation marks, ", are admitted as currencies of communication, accommodated as such for output purposes only, and may tally an arbitrary account of characters.


The Counting programming language offers a treble of statements:

Statement Effect
halt Immediately terminates the program.
out expression Prints the expression to the standard output, succeeded by a single newline character.
read variable Queries the standard input for a signed or unsigned integer number and stores the same in the variable. In the current language rendition, merely the accumulator, acc, is homologated as a target.

The arithmetic sign and logical NOT operators intrine to form the unary operation set:

Operator Operand Effect
Boolean invalid
integer plus sign
string invalid
Boolean invalid
integer minus sign
string invalid
Boolean logical NOT
integer invalid
string invalid

The following binary operations, with respect to the possible operand type combinations, exist:

Operator Left operand Right operand Effect
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer addition
integer string string concatenation
string Boolean invalid
string integer string concatenation
string string string concatenation
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer subtraction
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer multiplication
integer string string repetition
string Boolean invalid
string integer string repetition
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer division
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer remainder
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer exponentiation, power
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean logical AND
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer invalid
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean logical OR
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer invalid
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean equality
Boolean integer equality
Boolean string equality
integer Boolean equality
integer integer equality
integer string equality
string Boolean equality
string integer equality
string string equality
Boolean Boolean inequality
Boolean integer inequality
Boolean string inequality
integer Boolean inequality
integer integer inequality
integer string inequality
string Boolean inequality
string integer inequality
string string inequality
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer less than
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string less than (lexicographic)
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer less than or equal to
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string less than or equal to (lexicographic)
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer greater than
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string greater than (lexicographic)
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer greater than or equal to
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string greater than or equal to (lexicographic)


Comment lines may be inserted at any location in the code, introduced via the percentage sign %; however, they are restricted to commence a line of their own, preceded only, if at all, by spaces, forecause the % token conflates with the arithmetic remainder operator, and as thus would render the language ambiguous.

A line, for instance, following the pattern

acc += cnt % 5

could both denote a division with remainder, or a comment immediately following the cnt variable.


Infinite counter

when cnt > 0
    out cnt

Range from 2 to 100.

when cnt > 100
when cnt >= 2
 out cnt

Count up with a step of 2, starting with 2.

when cnt % 3 == 2
     acc += 2
     out acc

Digital root calculator

when cnt - 1 == 1 + (acc - 1) % 9 
    out cnt - 1

Line-based cat program

when 1
    read acc
    out acc

Hello, World!

when 1
    out "Hello, World!"


when cnt == 0
  read acc
  out  acc
when acc == 0
when acc == 1
  out acc

Fibonacci sequence

when cnt == acc - cnt
    out acc
    acc += cnt
    acc += cnt
when cnt < acc - cnt
    % Pass.
when cnt == acc - cnt
    acc += 0 - cnt

Add Two Numbers

when cnt == 0
    read acc

when cnt == acc
    read acc
    out acc + cnt

Triangular Numbers

Outputs in unary.

when cnt == 0
  read acc
when cnt <= acc
  out "*" * cnt
when cnt > acc
% 1 + 2 + ... + acc

Factorial Sequence

when cnt == 0
    read acc
when cnt < acc
    acc += 0 - acc + acc * cnt
    out acc

99 Bottles of Beer

This program prints the lyrics to the song “99 Bottles of Beer”:

% Bottles in range [3, 99].
when (99 - cnt) > 2
  out (99 - cnt) + " bottles of beer on the wall,"
  out (99 - cnt) + " bottles of beer."
  out "Take one down, pass it around,"
  out (99 - cnt - 1) + " bottles of beer on the wall."
  out ""

% Two bottles.
when (99 - cnt) == 2
  out (99 - cnt) + " bottles of beer on the wall,"
  out (99 - cnt) + " bottles of beer."
  out "Take one down, pass it around,"
  out (99 - cnt - 1) + " bottle of beer on the wall."
  out ""

% One bottle.
when (99 - cnt) == 1
  out (99 - cnt) + " bottle of beer on the wall,"
  out (99 - cnt) + " bottle of beer."
  out "Take one down, pass it around,"
  out "No bottles of beer on the wall."


  • Common Lisp implementation of the Counting programming language.