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Designed by Corbin
Appeared in 2021
Type system static, strong, inferred, implicit
Computational class wikipedia:primitive recursive functional
Reference implementation [1]
Influenced by Hagino CPL, OCaml
File extension(s) .cammy

Cammy is a basic syntax for expressions of wikipedia:categorical logic. Cammy expressions can be interpreted in any category with the appropriate features. The current documented syntax addresses any wikipedia:Cartesian closed category which has wikipedia:categorical sums, a natural numbers object, and free monoids (lists).

Many folks find that first paragraph confusing or overly generic. Let's assume that we are working with the category of sets and functions. Then, Cammy looks like a point-free programming language; each expression is an S-expression denoting a total function.

The following Cammy expression has type N × N → N and implements addition of natural numbers:

(uncurry (pr (curry snd) (curry (comp app succ))))

This is the desugared primitive form of the following Cammy expression from the reference hive:

    (fun/name id)
    (curry (comp app succ))))

Cammy is named for and partially inspired by the CAM, as implemented in OCaml. Cammy is additionally inspired by Hagino CPL, as described in Hagino 1986 and implemented in Sakai.


The internal language of a Cartesian closed category is always a lambda calculus. [2] We can therefore explore an example in terms of lambda expressions. Note that categorical arrows are not necessarily functions! The following Cammy expression has type N → 2 (that is, it denotes a function from natural numbers to Booleans) and tests whether a natural number is even:

(pr t not)
    ^      λ() :unit. true
      ^^^  λb :bool. case b of { true -> false; false -> true }
 ^^        λx :(1 → X). λf (X → X). λn :N. case n of { O -> x (); S m -> f (pr x f m) }
 ^^^^^^^^  λn :N. case n of { O -> true; S m -> not (pr t not m) }

Several complicated ideas are tied together here. First, note that destructuring in categorical combinators is implicit. We had to introduce the idea of case/match syntax in order to implement primitive recursion, but primitive recursion is taken to be an axiomatic feature of natural numbers objects. When we work categorically, that entire case/match construction is encapsulated within the axioms. This also occurs with lists (free monoids); there is only one type of recursion, the katamorphic fold.

Next, note that fixpoint recursion is also implicit. There are no arbitrary fixpoint combinators in Cammy, just the predefined combinators for natural numbers and lists. The OCaml and Scheme implementations of Cammy must use their own recursion techniques to implement these combinators.


Each Cammy expression is a diagram which selects arrows in the target category. When the diagram is parameterized over a choice of source object, then we assign it a single polymorphic arrow instead of a family of arrows. To demystify this utterance and introduce some syntax, here is the simplest such diagram, the identity arrow:


This expression has type X → X, where X is any source object whatsoever. For contrast, here's a diagram which doesn't have any choice of source objects:


This expression has type 1 → N, where 1 is the terminal object and N is the natural numbers object. Traditionally, there would not be a single identity arrow, but a family of arrows with one member for each different possible object; but Cammy treats both expressions similarly, and allows them to be freely intermixed.

We also have templates which take static parameters. For example, we may take any two arrows with types X → Y and X → Z, and produce a new arrow with type X → Y × Z, where once again X, Y, and Z range over objects. This diagram therefore has type X → X × X for any object X:

(pair id id)

We could also write this diagram as the primitive arrow:


Crucially, there is no observable difference between `(pair id id)` and `dup`; they are the same arrow.

These are the only two syntactic rules; there are primitive arrows and applications of templates. Note that Cammy expressions are valid wikipedia:S-expressions according to several programming ecosystems, including OCaml and Scheme.

2021 Primitives

A complete listing of the original primitive arrows and templates follows, grouped by functionality. X, Y, and W are metavariables for types as before, but 1 is the terminal object, 2 is the Boolean object, and N is the natural numbers object. Equalities denote algebraic laws.

An appendix at Cammy/Bikeshed explains the nomenclature.


  • id : X → X
  • Given f : X → Y and g : Y → W, (comp f g) : X → W

Binary products

  • ignore : X → 1
  • fst : X × Y → X
  • snd : X × Y → Y
  • Given f : X → Y and g : X → W, (pair f g) : X → Y × W

Binary sums

  • left : X → X + Y
  • right : Y → X + Y
  • Given f : X → W and g : Y → W, (case f g): X + Y → W

Cartesian closed categories

  • Given f : X × Y → W, (curry f) : X → [Y, W]
  • Given f : X → [Y, W], (uncurry f) : X × Y → W

Boolean algebra

  • t : 1 → 2
  • f : 1 → 2
  • not : 2 → 2
  • conj : 2 × 2 → 2
  • disj : 2 × 2 → 2
  • either : 2 → 1 + 1

Natural numbers object

  • zero : 1 → N
  • succ : N → N
  • Given x : 1 → X and f : X → X, (pr x f) : N → X

Free monoids

  • nil : 1 → [X]
  • cons : X × [X] → [X]
  • Given x : 1 → Y and f : X × Y → Y, (fold x f) : [X] → Y

Floating-point numbers object

The floating-point numbers object behaves like wikipedia:IEEE 754, except that NaNs are not elements, since they are not numbers. The NaN cases of f-add and f-mul return 0.0 or -0.0 as appropriate. The NaN case of f-sqrt is sent to the right-hand side of the binary sum. The reciprocal of ±0.0 is ±Infinity and vice versa.

  • f-zero : 1 → F
  • f-one : 1 → F
  • f-pi : 1 → F
  • f-sign : F → 2
  • f-lt : F × F → 2
  • f-negate : F → F
  • f-recip : F → F
  • f-add : F × F → F
  • f-mul : F x F → F
  • f-floor : F → F + 1
  • f-sqrt : F → F + 1
  • f-sin : F → F
  • f-cos : F → F
  • f-atan2 : F × F → F
  • f-exp : F → F
  • f-log1p : F → F + 1

2024 Primitives

In 2024, Cammy's reference implementation was extended to include the following families of primitives.

  • nk : 1 → N, given k : N
  • nkon : 1 → n, given k, n : N and k < n
  • onwo : 1 + 1 + … → n, given n : N
  • onp : n → 1 + 1 + …, given n : N
  • pkon : X₀ × X₁ × … × Xn → Xk, given k, n : N and k < n
  • ikon : Xk → X₀ + X₁ + … + Xn, given k, n : N and k < n

The first family addresses the natural numbers with simplified and unified syntax. The next family provides uniform access to ordinal types. The latter two families unify addressing for products and sums respectively. To facilitate non-binary rows of types, the reference implementation weakens pairs to rows for the following associative templates:

  • (comp f g …)
  • (tuple f g …) generalizing (pair f g)
  • (case f g …)

And the following existing primitive arrows are members of these families:

  • n0 = zero
  • n0o2 = f
  • n1o2 = t
  • p0o2 = fst
  • p1o2 = snd
  • i0o2 = left
  • i1o2 = right

There are mnemonics available for these families, read aloud as follows, for the example of the third point in the ordinal type 3:

  • n2 : "nat two"
  • n2o3 : "nat two of three"
  • o3wo : "ordinal three is well-ordered"
  • o3p : "ordinal three is pointed"
  • p2o3 : "project two of three"
  • i2o3 : "inject two of three"

Abstract bindings

If Cammy expressions are like abstract syntax trees, then Cammy can be extended with abstract bindings. The concrete syntax for bindings uses De Bruijn indexing. For example, the following expression captures composition with abstract binding:

(comp @0 @1)

The type of such an expression fundamentally relies on the types of the arrows given as parameters. Given f : X → Y and g : Y → W, (comp f g) : X → W; so here, given @0 : X → Y and @1 : Y → W, (comp @0 @1) : X → W.

Abstract bindings effectively allow users to create their own templates. For example, the following template has, for any given @0 : X → Y, type Z → [X, Y], known as the name of the given arrow:

(curry (comp snd @0))


A jet is a primitive arrow which is introduced to represent a composite arrow. For example, `app` is introduced to represent `(uncurry id)`. Jets are copied from the runtime into each hive. For any hive, the collection of jets must form a wikipedia:partial order where a jet J is earlier/lesser than another jet K when K's definition requires J. Whenever a runtime sees a jet in user-provided code, it may either compile the jet directly to an efficient low-level operation, or replace the jet with its definition; because jets form a partial order, this process always has well-founded recursion.

The following jets are considered standard, in the sense that the reference implementation will add them into any hive that it saves.

Binary products

  • dup = (pair id id) : X → X × X

Cartesian closed categories

  • app = (uncurry id) : [X, Y] × X → Y

Natural numbers object

  • n-add = (uncurry (pr (curry snd) (curry (comp app succ))) : N × N → N
  • n-pred-maybe = (pr right (comp (case succ zero) left)) : N → N + 1
  • n-mul = (uncurry (pr (curry (comp ignore zero)) (curry (comp (pair app snd) n-add)))) : N × N → N
  • n-double = (pr zero (comp succ succ)) : N → N


In addition to expression syntax, some tools may emit and parse a secondary syntax for denoting Cammy types. Cammy does not support type-level programming, though. The builtin types are:

  • N
  • F
  • k, given k : N

Note that the reference toolchain does not consider 0 to be a valid type, because it has no inhabitants. Indeed, the reference toolchain only emits the ordinal types 2 and above with numeric values, and specializes the terminal type 1 to have a singleton inhabitant.

Additionally, the following type constructors are allowed:

  • (prod t u …)
  • (sum t u …)
  • (hom t u)
  • (list t)

These are merely ASCII-compatible S-expression syntax for the corresponding type constructors.

Paradigms & classifications

In terms of the principal programming paradigms, Cammy is a "functional programming" language; it possesses the ability to encode arbitrary functions via topos theory. Later improvements may shift Cammy to the "monotonic dataflow programming", "multi-agent dataflow programming", or "event-loop programming" paradigms.

In terms of the common taxonomy of type systems, exhibited for tutorial at [3], Cammy's current toolchain implements a static, implicit, structural, sound type system. For a classic example, the program (comp dup apply), sometimes called the "Turing bird", will be rejected by the toolchain as ill-typed.

In terms of the taxonomy of desugaring systems, Cammy does not implement desugaring. Any nullary sugar can be implemented as plain Cammy programs. Every algebraic equality in Cammy's combinators corresponds to a desugaring rule in the toolchain, but those equalities are not taxonomically syntactic sugar.

Computational complexity class

Cammy has wikipedia:primitive recursive functionals, placing it between PR and R. This complexity class has no standard name. [4]


The reference implementation consists of several components composed into several high-level pipelines.

cammy-frame & cammy-jelly

The `cammy-frame` tool takes a hive and an expression relative to that hive, and returns an expression containing only primitive operations. No optimizations are performed.

The `cammy-jelly` tool reads an expression and simplifies it by applying algebraic optimizations. Jellification is ignorant of hives, but non-primitive operations are allowed; they will be opaque to optimizations.

Example usage

A demonstration hive is included with the reference distribution. [5] This hive includes basic arithmetic on natural numbers and some folds on lists.

$ cammy-frame hive/ <hive/list/gauss.cammy | cammy-jelly
 (comp (pr (pair zero nil) (pair (comp fst succ) cons)) snd)
 (fold zero (uncurry (pr (curry snd) (curry (comp (uncurry id) succ))))))


The `cammy-djinn` tool takes a type and returns a primitive expression with that type. It operates via relational logic, inverting the relation between expressions and types.

Example usage

`cammy-djinn` takes three parameters. The first two parameters are an input and output type. The third parameter is a difficulty/creativity parameter which starts at 1 and has no upper limit. Higher difficulty/creativity will make the tool take longer and search for more complex expressions.

Types have a simple S-expression syntax. The concrete types 1, 2, N, and F appear as themselves. Polymorphic variables can be given any fresh identifier, like X, Y, Z, W, etc. The compound types are expressed as functors:

  • `(pair X Y)` is the product type of X and Y
  • `(sum X Y)` is the sum type of X and Y
  • `(hom X Y)` is the type of functions from X to Y
  • `(list X)` is the type of lists of X
$ cammy-djinn 'X' '(sum X Y)' 1
$ cammy-djinn '(pair (hom X Y) X)' 'Y' 1
(uncurry id)


The `cammy-repl` tool takes a hive and examines it interactively. Cammy expressions entered at the REPL are expanded, jellified, and typechecked. The `:!` command evaluates and pretty-prints any element.

Example usage

$ cammy-repl hive/
> nat/fact
Type: N -> N
> :! (comp nat/5 nat/fact)


The `cammy-draw` tool interprets a simplified Cammy expression as a function from the two-dimensional plane to red-green-blue color triples. While interpreted, it is much faster than compiled native code because it is built upon the RPython JIT toolkit.

Example usage

A monochrome image of the Burning Ship fractal. The viewport is zoomed in to a small copy of the main body of the fractal. Like the main body, the small copy resembles a boat with ethereal flaming masts and sails trailing from it in self-similar waves. The ship appears to sit on a horizon along the real axis, casting a shadow into imaginary water. Smaller ships can be seen to the left and right.
$ cammy-frame hive/ <hive/demo/burning-ship.cammy | cammy-jelly >ship.cammy
$ time cammy-draw ship.cammy '-1.8 -0.08 -1.7 0.02' 1920 1080 ship.png
real	1m52.253s
user	1m51.983s
sys	0m0.233s

Related work

This concept is perennial. Curien 1986 gives an isomorphic syntax for the fragment of topoi and a recipe for compiling syntax to the CAM. Elliott 2017 gives an isomorphic syntax for the fragment of Cartesian closed categories and a recipe for compiling a fragment of Haskell to syntax. See the appendix at Cammy/Bikeshed for a complete bibliography.