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CG is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022. (All hidden starting directions are towards the right.)

Commands Instructions
*i Multiply by i.
*-1 Multiply by -1.
+1 +1.
-i -i.
-1 -1.
#"" Set the Cell to the Given string.
#i Set the cell as a Request for an input.
#dr Reveal the Direction and Turn it 90 Degrees to the Right.
#o1 Set the cell to Print the current number in ASCII.
#o2 Set the cell as Print the current value or String as a string.
#[]\ Set the cell as Store the current number to The complex Coordinates.
#[]/ Set the cell as receive the current number to The complex Coordinates.
#@ Set the cell as the starting position.
#! Set an ending position.
## Set An If the current value is 0, Point Downwards.
r Run the Program.

Cat program:


"Hello, World!" Program:

#@+1#"Hello, World!"+1#[0i+1]/+1#o2+1#!r

Truth-machine Program:
