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CATHY is a stack-based esolang. It has 32 commands, each a different capitalisation of `CATHY`.


Caption text
Command normal form Action
cathy 0 Literal digit 0, can be joined to other digits
cathY 1 Literal digit 1, can be joined to other digits
catHy 2 Literal digit 2, can be joined to other digits
catHY 3 Literal digit 3, can be joined to other digits
caThy 4 Literal digit 4, can be joined to other digits
caThY 5 Literal digit 5, can be joined to other digits
caTHy 6 Literal digit 6, can be joined to other digits
caTHY 7 Literal digit 7, can be joined to other digits
cAthy 8 Literal digit 8, can be joined to other digits
cAthY 9 Literal digit 9, can be joined to other digits
cAtHy + Add two numbers popped form stack
cAtHY - Subtract two numbers
cAThy / Divide two numbers
cAThY * Multiply two numbers
cATHy ƒ Reduce by next command
cATHY [ If pop(stack) is true, then do following
Cathy { Forever, do following
CathY Map following over pop()
CatHy ; Close structure
CatHY : Dup
CaThy _ Pop
CaThY ? Take input
CaTHy s sort
CaTHY J Concat/append/prepend
CAthy τ To base
CAthY o Remove
CAtHy $ Swap
CAtHY Shift stack left
CAThy Shift stack right
CAThY , Print with trailing newline
CATHy C Char
CATHY β From base

Interpreter with an example Hello, World program

Compiler from normal form to CATHY form