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C-4 is a revolutionary programming language designed to bring self-destruction to a whole new level. Unlike traditional languages that merely execute code, C-4 goes a step further by ensuring that both itself and any program you attempt to run are promptly annihilated in the process.


In C-4, every program, regardless of content, is considered valid. This uniqueness stems from its core functionality, where executing any program results in the immediate destruction of the C-4 interpreter along with the intended program.

Example Programs

Delete itself and the interpreter:

 anything can go here, even a blank file is valid



The peculiar nature of C-4 poses a significant challenge to developing interpreters. Any attempt to test or build a C-4 interpreter inevitably leads to its own demise, reflecting the language's commitment to self-destructive behavior.

Author's Note

This language was intended to be a satire of bland and unoriginal "joke" languages wherein the entire punchline is "this language can not physically exist", although I can clearly see how people might think that this is indeed a "bland and unoriginal "joke" languages wherein the entire punchline is 'this language can not physically exist'". :P