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Brainfuck2 is an esoteric programming language, a Trivial brainfuck substitution except this time actually funny. Every term in the language is a name of another brainfuck derivative. It was developed by a teenager from California as he sat on the toilet.


Command Description
Ook! Move the pointer to the right
Alphuck Move the pointer to the left
Fuckfuck Increment the memory cell under the pointer
POGAACK Decrement the memory cell under the pointer. This one was especially unfunny. Not just a rip off of BF, but also a rip off of a rip off of BF.
Unibrain Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
Wordfuck Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
Brainfuck² Jump past the matching ZZZ if the cell under the pointer is 0
ZZZ Jump back to the matching Brainfuck² if the cell under the pointer is nonzero