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Brainfuck+10 is a language created by User:Watermelyn. It is like Brainfuck but it has 10 more commands that may or may not be useful depending on how you are using them. Name is inspired by Brainfuck+3 because I didn't know what else to call it.


Command Description
> Move the pointer to the right
< Move the pointer to the left
+ Increment the memory cell under the pointer
- Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
. Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
, Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
[ Jump past the matching ] if the cell under the pointer is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if the cell under the pointer is nonzero
$ Start and end a comment, no code between 2 of these will run.
e Exit the program.
r Reset the cell under the pointer to 0
# Output the value of the cell under the pointer
/ Input an integer and set the value of the cell under the pointer to that integer
A Set the cell under the pointer to 65 (Capital A).
a Set the cell under the pointer to 97 (Lowercase a).
Z Set the cell under the pointer to 90 (Capital Z).
z Set the cell under the pointer to 122 (Lowercase z).
5 Set the cell under the pointer to 53 (5).


Hello World


Truth Machine


But if you would like, normal BF code would work too. Everything from BF should also work in BF+10.


This is my implementation, created and (not very well) tested in python.

import sys

def is_integer(n):
    except ValueError:
        return False
        return float(n).is_integer()

def run(prg: str):
    comment = 0
    prgPos = 0
    mem = [0]
    memPos = 0
    while prgPos < len(prg):
        if prg[prgPos] == "$":
            if comment == 0:
                comment = 1
                comment = 0
        if comment == 0:
            if prg[prgPos] == ">":
                memPos += 1
                if len(mem) <= memPos:
            elif prg[prgPos] == "<":
                memPos -= 1
                if memPos < 0:
                    print("Moved off the tape! (memPos < 0)")
            elif prg[prgPos] == "+":
                mem[memPos] += 1
                if mem[memPos] >= 255:
                    mem[memPos] = 0
            elif prg[prgPos] == "-":
                mem[memPos] -= 1
                if mem[memPos] <= -1:
                    mem[memPos] = 255
            elif prg[prgPos] == ".":
                print(chr(mem[memPos]), end="")
            elif prg[prgPos] == "#":
                print(mem[memPos], end="")
            elif prg[prgPos] == ",":
                inp = input("Input >")
                if inp == "":
                    mem[memPos] = 0
                    mem[memPos] = ord(inp[0])
            elif prg[prgPos] == "/":
                inp = input("Input >")
                if is_integer(inp):
                    if int(inp) > 255:
                        mem[memPos] = 255
                    elif int(inp) < 0:
                        mem[memPos] = 0
                        mem[memPos] = int(inp)
            elif prg[prgPos] == "[":
                if mem[memPos] == 0:
                    countOpened = 0
                    prgPos+= 1
                    while prgPos<len(prg):
                        if prg[prgPos] == "]" and countOpened == 0:
                        elif prg[prgPos] == "[":
                            countOpened += 1
                        elif prg[prgPos] == "]":
                            countOpened -= 1
                        prgPos += 1
            elif prg[prgPos] == "]":
                if mem[memPos] != 0:
                    countClosed = 0
                    prgPos -= 1
                    while prgPos >= 0:
                        if prg[prgPos] == "[" and countClosed == 0:
                        elif prg[prgPos] == "]":
                            countClosed += 1
                        elif prg[prgPos] == "[":
                            countClosed -= 1
                        prgPos -= 1
            elif prg[prgPos] == "e":
            elif prg[prgPos] == "r":
                mem[memPos] = 0
            elif prg[prgPos] == "A":
                mem[memPos] = 65
            elif prg[prgPos] == "a":
                mem[memPos] = 97
            elif prg[prgPos] == "Z":
                mem[memPos] = 90
            elif prg[prgPos] == "z":
                mem[memPos] = 122
            elif prg[prgPos] == "5":
                mem[memPos] = 53

        prgPos += 1