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Brainfault is a cell-based esolang heavily based on brainfuck. It has all of brainfuck's commands as well as a few others for ease of use.


Command Description
> Move the pointer to the right
< Move the pointer to the left
+ Increment the memory cell at the pointer
- Decrement the memory cell at the pointer
. Output the ASCII character corresponding to the value in the cell at the pointer
: Output the current cell's value as an integer
? Output the current cell's value as binary
, Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
[ Jump past the matching ] if the cell at the pointer is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if the cell at the pointer is nonzero
/ if the input queue is empty
| Jump back to the matching / if input queue is not empty
!int(commands) If the cell at the pointer is not equal to int, jump past the matching )
!~int(commands) If the cell at the pointer is equal to int, jump past the matching )
$subroutine_name{commands} Creates a subroutine named "subroutine_name". Whenever this is executed, everything inside the curly brackets will be executed
*subroutine_name* Executes the subroutine called subroutine_name
#comment# Any characters between pound symbols will be regarded as a comment, regardless of if they contain brainfault code

Things to note about subroutines:

  • All subroutines are global—no defining subroutines inside subroutines
  • All subroutines are hoisted—it doesn't matter where you define them, they can be executed anywhere in the code
  • Subroutine names must consist only of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and underscores

Just like brainfuck, each cell holds one byte. Incrementing past 255 will wrap to 0 and decrementing below 0 will wrap to 255. Unlike brainfuck, there are (theoretically) infinite cells in either direction.



This program defines a peculiar cat program which prints the character immediately following the user input in the ASCII repertoire's order.

/# while there is input in the queue #
  , # accept one byte of input #
  >[-]< # reset the flag #
  !~32(!~90(!~122(+.>+<))) # if the input is not a space, a capital Z, nor a lowercase z, add one to its ascii value, output it, and set the flag to one #
  !32(>!0(<.>)<) # if the input is a space and the flag is zero, output the space #
  !90(>!0(<[-]*add_twenty**add_twenty**add_twenty*+++++.>)<) # if the input is a capital Z and the flag is zero, output a capital A #
  !122(>!0(<*add_hundred*---.>)<) # if the input is a lowercase z and the flag is zero, output a lowercase a #


This program defines a peculiar cat program which prints the character immediately preceding the user input in the ASCII repertoire's order.



Prints the user input's ASCII code, then halves and prints it repeatedly using the floor operation until it reaches zero.

$div_two{!~0([!1(-)!~0(-->+<)]>[-<+>]<)}$ten{++++++++++}*ten*>,:<.>[*div_two*:<.>][-]<. # continuously (floor) divide the input by two and output it while it is nonzero #

Cat program

A cat program follows which repeats until the user enters no input:

/ , : |


Utilizing conditionals

This truth-machine implementation employs the conditional facility of brainfault:


Utilizing subroutines and recursion

The capability for subroutines and their recursive application is harnessed in the following to implement the truth-machine in an alternative way:

$printRecursively{. !49(*printRecursively*)}


  • Common Lisp implementation of the brainfault programming language.