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- The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually [.
- Not to be confused with Right bracket, nor Leftbracket.
Bracket is a programming language that only uses brackets

Units | How |
[ | add one |
] | subtract one |
[[ | output ascii |
]] | output number |
[] | input |
][ | apple 2 |
( | start loop, stops when the top of the stack is 1 or 0 |
) | end loop |
: | sepotator |
[[[ | go up |
]]] | go down |
[[]] | if the top of the stack, is 0 then jump to the nearest [][, if 1, ][], else no goto |
[][ | goto result |
][] | goto result |
[][] | ends the program |
[[][ | create var |
[[] | var add |
[]] | var subtract |
][]] | output var |
& | output as the input, used for setting vars from input |
][][ | spider |
; | comment and ends line |
You can also switch around the brackets and the parentheses, for some reason
xkcd random number: